DuPont Invented Solid Surfaces

So, in the course of trying to figure out what surface my new countertops should be made from I discovered that DuPont invented solid surfaces! Millions of years ago is more than 35 years ago… WTF!

Coachella Lineup or a Goof?

Okay, so do you think this entry at is legit or wishful thinking? The Coachella Valley Music Festival web site doesn’t have a lineup yet for 2007, just dates. If it’s legit I guess that’s the end of the rumor about the Police getting back together for a tour. I’m already excited about Coachella, and it’s still three months away. Update: Yeah, I’m a moron, as some folks have pointed out Elvis, The Beatles, Michael Jackson, and 2Pac aren’t going to be there this year. So, I guess we’ve concluded “Goof.”

Rodrigo Y Gabriela

Me: a sucker for acoustic guitar, a sucker for good rhythm. Them: Awesome. They were a freebie download on the iTunes Store a few weeks ago, and I finally listened to them, accidentally. By now I bet thinks I’m insane, looping them for hours. Here’s them on Letterman: Their web site is I’m hoping they tour to the Midwest sometime.

Site Updates

I’ve changed a few things around here, and if any of them are bothersome let me know. 1. I’ve changed the DNS servers for to be self-hosted, adding glue records to avoid the little lag when resolving the domain name. Not a huge deal, but it’s just a little faster. 2. I added Google Analytics code to the web page. I did this a while ago but may not have mentioned it, and I apologize if people were inconvenienced by it. I am also trying to figure out how to add Analytics to the feeds. This is part of my ongoing effort to get useful stats from the site to see what people like of my writing, and then …

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Comment Roundup

I looked at my comment moderation queue this afternoon and there were three new comments in there. w00t! I love you folks. Sorry for the delay in moderating them. I wish I could turn that off but without it I tend to get a lot of spam. – Irfan over at the brand new Virtual Scoop blog pointed out the VMware paper on partition alignment. Very cool. I had seen that but had forgotten to link to it. Thanks dude. Reading his first post over at Virtual Scoop, I agree, the day-to-day operations of virtualized environments doesn’t get a lot of coverage. I think I’ll try writing a couple of posts over the next week about what we have to …

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“By the time (the Leaning Tower of Pisa) was 10% built, everyone knew it would be a total disaster. But the investment was so big they felt compelled to go on. Since its completion, it cost a fortune to maintain and is still in danger of collapsing. There are no plans to replace it, since it was never needed in the first place. I expect every installation has its own pet software which is analogous to the above. ” – Guy Kawasaki

links for 2007-01-12

Non-profit Discount – DreamHost This is awesome — free nonprofit hosting from Dreamhost. uuasc-june-2006.pdf (application/pdf Object) Extreme Linux Performance Monitoring and Tuning PowerPoint: Death Star Attack Opt Out of Prescreened Credit Offers How To Get Off A Mailing List – Consumer Assistance Photo Matt » Disconnect “One thing I’ve found in the past year is there is sometimes a huge disconnect between people who make noise on blogs, or might have impressive blogs themselves, and productivity in the real world.”

OpenDNS rules

DNS is one of those services that is fundamental to everything on a computer. As such, I am switching my desktops and workstations to OpenDNS. Why? A) The ability for users to refresh the OpenDNS cache. When I’m moving domains around nothing is more annoying than getting stuck with cached entries. I normally run my own copy of BIND for this reason, but one of my goals for 2007 is to simplify my life, and if OpenDNS will let me refresh the cache I’ll use theirs. Then I don’t need my own BIND. Plus, if I have my customers use OpenDNS then I can fix the cache for them, too. I don’t know how many times I’ve had to explain …

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Simplification, Phase 2

Last night it was email. If I don’t read it I don’t want it touching my email. I don’t want to scan it for spam, download it, or otherwise have it near me. This afternoon it is RSS feeds. If I don’t read it it has to go. If it isn’t active anymore it’s outta here. Last, if it doesn’t have a full content feed it’s going, too. I’d rather have ads in the feed than have to switch out to a browser. 80 feeds in. 57 out. I reneged and left Vinography in even though it isn’t a full feed. So I like wine. Nothing wrong with that. 🙂 While I was sitting here I also realized that with …

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