How Large Your Linux Swap Partition Should Be

This is post #4 in my December-long series on Linux VM performance tuning, Tuningmas. One of those timeless questions in system administration has always been “how much swap space do I configure on my server?” The old rule used to be twice the amount of memory, but does a server with 256 GB of RAM really need a half terabyte of swap? And what about VMs? Swapping on VMs is a serious performance drag. Would it be a good idea to just disable swap completely? One thing to consider is that there’s a tunable kernel parameter, /proc/sys/vm/swappiness, that controls the tendency of Linux to scavenge inactive memory pages and swap them out. It is a number from 0 to 100, …

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Leave Some RAM For Filesystem Cache

This is post #3 in my December-long series on Linux VM performance tuning, Tuningmas. Many system administrators don’t realize it, but in most OSes RAM that’s unused by applications goes towards filesystem cache, which speeds disk operations. Some VM “right-sizing” tools don’t take this into account, and recommend pretty tight memory allocations which end up causing more disk I/O in the long term. Trading some RAM for better I/O performance is often a very good move, both for an individual VM and for the virtual environment as a whole. To understand what’s happening on a Linux VM and make a decision about how much RAM we should leave for filesystem cache we need to understand the ‘free’ command: total used …

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Disable GUIs and X Windows on Linux VMs

This is post #2 in my December-long series on Linux VM performance tuning, Tuningmas. I remember an old story about people having performance issues on their Windows servers. It would happen intermittently, and never when the system administrator was around. Turns out it was the pretty OpenGL screensaver, which would kick in and slow everything down tremendously. When the admin was around he’d be using the console of the server, so no screen saver, and no problems. Graphical user interfaces make one-off administration tasks easier in some cases, but for virtual environments they come at a cost: additional RAM and CPU overhead. For a virtual environment you should shut them off, or install as little of them as you need, …

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Align Your Partitions

This is post #1 in my December-long series on Linux VM performance tuning, Tuningmas. I wrote about it back in 2006, and lots of others have written about it since (Duncan Epping has a nice vendor-agnostic post with diagrams): misaligned storage trashing your I/O performance. What’s the big deal? In short, it is killing your I/O performance. Logical Block Addressing on your disk drive makes the Master Boot Record 63 bytes long. This means it occupies sectors 0-62 on disk, and the first partition will start at sector 63. The number 63 is a persona non grata in the computer world. It isn’t a power of 2, and it certainly doesn’t line up with your storage’s idea of the world …

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