No VMware NSX Hardware Gateway Support for Cisco

I find it interesting, as I’m taking my first real steps into the world of VMware NSX, that there is no Cisco equipment supported as a VMware NSX hardware gateway (VTEP). According to the HCL on March 13th, 2018 there is a complete lack of “Cisco” in the “Partner” category: I wonder how that works out for Cisco UCS customers. As I continue to remind vendors, virtualization environments cannot virtualize everything. There are still dependencies on things like DNS, DHCP, NTP, and AD that need a few physical servers. There will also always be a few hosts that can’t be virtualized because of vendor requirements, politics, and/or fear. Any solution for a virtual environment needs to help take care of those …

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Fixing Veeam “Can’t Delete Replica When It Is Being Processed” Errors

I’ve used Veeam Backup & Replication for a long time now, and when we restructure storage, redeploy VMs, or change our replication jobs we sometimes get situations where we get the error: Error: Can’t delete replica when it is being processed Here’s how I fix it. As always, your mileage may vary, and free advice is often worth what you paid, especially from a stranger on the Internet. Veeam support is probably a safe but much higher latency source of non-free advice. Stop the affected jobs and disable them. Ensure that the replicas are gone, from both the VMware environment (vCenter) and in Backup & Replication (Replicas -> Ready, then right-click and Delete From Disk). Don’t delete it from the …

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How to Install CrashPlan on Linux

I like CrashPlan. They support a wider range of operating systems than some of their competitors, they have a simple pricing model, unlimited storage & retention, and a nice local, mobile, and web interfaces. I’ve been a customer for a few years now, and recently have switched a few of my clients’ businesses over to them, too. What I don’t like is that they don’t seem to support Linux very well, which is typical of companies when their installed base is mostly Windows & Mac. Most notably, their install instructions are sparse and they don’t tell you what packages you need to have installed, which is important because cloud VMs and whatnot are usually “minimal” installations. I’ve attempted to open …

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Backing Myself Up Using CrashPlan, TrueCrypt, and Hamachi

For a long while now I’ve been looking for a decent & automatic way to protect the data on the multitude of computers I support in my personal life. I’ve been using a hodgepodge of external disks and synchronization software to keep a spare copy of my data, photos, and media, but with the impending birth of my daughter I figure I’m not going to have time or the willingness to mess around with kludgy solutions anymore. I also don’t want to run the risk of data loss when it comes to things my relatives would judge me on. “What do you mean you don’t have the video of her <doing some activity>?” I stumbled upon CrashPlan a few weeks …

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Three Failings of Virtual Appliances

I’m torn when it comes to virtual appliances. I love them because they make a lot of installations absolutely brainless. I hate them because the people that create them make assumptions that are ridiculous and unsupportable. Here’s the three ways I hate them the most: 1. There’s no good way to back them up. For organizations that haven’t gone the “whole VM” backup route there are very limited choices for backing these things up. Sometimes the virtual appliance has some method to export the configurations and data, but often not. And when there is a method it’s usually a web interface that cannot be automated. What I want: virtual appliances should be able to export their configuration and data on …

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