Perceived Productivity

“What, you just sit around all day browsing Wikipedia?” “Excuse me?” “What are you looking at in Wikipedia?” “The article on X-Men.” “Tough day at work, I suppose.” “Um, I’m trying to figure out a naming scheme for the 10 new servers I’m bringing in. That okay with you?” “Oh, sorry.” Just because you think I’m not doing work doesn’t mean you’re right. (also, great site for naming schemes:

Cloud Computing

My friend Terry’s slightly unorthodox take on cloud computing: To hell with cloud computing. Clouds are puffy crap that float lazily by. Is that what you want out of your service provider? Just floating by without a care in the world? It is time for tornado computing. Or hurricane computing. Real wrath of God type stuff. I want an architecture that knocks me off my feet, whips my apps around and hurls them half way through a tree. I don’t want my data intact for some script kiddie to steal. I want it like a frog in a blender; unrecognizably processed with a taste only I care for. So to that end I am setting half of my air handlers …

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PeopleSoft & VMware

Even though PeopleSoft is part of Oracle (and possibly subject to their anti-VMware support policies) our apps guys checked to see if VMware was an option. As it turns out, PeopleSoft solution 200955472 entitled “Does Peoplesoft support VMWare” has the answer: yes. PeopleSoft certifies our products (PeopleTools and EnterpriseOne Tools) on certain operating systems (including Windows 2000*, Windows Server 2003, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, etc.), not on specific hardware configurations. Therefore, as long as a customer configures VMWare virtual machines with supported operating systems, we will treat them as though they are independent (non-virtual) systems and provide full support. Our support team will attempt to resolve issues using our own environments with the same operating system. We will treat VMWare …

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Big Red Icky Stamp

I just bought a new red ink pad for my big rubber ICKY stamp. Hours of fun, wandering the building stamping things. Problem is, everybody knows it’s mine.

Signed, Stealed, Delivered

Am I missing something here, or is this one hell of a typo? Stealed? I found this last night in the FedEx Kinko’s “What’s your sign?” brochure, while waiting for them to make easy work of my huge icky print job. Click on the image for a larger version. Maybe the Kinkos guy in the photo is actually taking the banner away from the customer. If it is just a typo maybe the fix could also remove the lame cliches.

ConfigCheck vs. Appliances

So I grabbed a copy of Tripwire’s ConfigCheck for ESX and ran it on one of my test ESX Servers. Sure enough, it found a bunch of defaults that haven’t been changed, and has made recommendations. Now my question is: is ESX 3.5 an appliance or a host OS? Do I actually want to make the recommended changes? Will it mess up something in the future when a patch from VMware assumes something about my environment that isn’t true because I’ve changed it? Exactly how much do I want to go messing around with things like NTP settings when the recommended way to configure NTP is through VirtualCenter? I look forward to a time when ESX 3i is on par …

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1001th Post

On August 8th, 2005 I started this blog. It is almost three years later and this is my 1001th post. Of those 1001 posts, 364 of them were auto-posted from my bookmarks. There have been 994 comments so far (thank you!) though some of those are my own replies, too. There have been 127,622 spam comments (no thank you), mostly all of them caught by Akismet (thank you). I have uploaded 95 things to the blog, whether they’re photos or something else. This blog is #1 in Google searches for “esxcfg vswitch,” and #2 in searches for “when you do things right people won’t be sure you’ve done anything at all.” I occasionally search for things in Google and …

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Leopard on ESX Would Be Nice

A few days ago Team Fusion posted about Apple Mac OS X 10.5 being their 61st supported OS. That’s pretty darn cool. Thing is, though, it doesn’t make a darn bit of difference to me. Instead, I’d really like to run Mac OS X in ESX Server. I don’t even care if I have to buy Apple Xserve hardware to do it. I’d love to see Mac OS X guests in VirtualCenter, able to use VMotion, snapshots, HA, cloning, and all the enterprise features we already have for Windows, Linux, Netware, and Solaris x86. It would also be very cool to see Mac OS X virtual desktops. Imagine how easy it would be to switch people over then. As it …

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Your Sysadmin Should Know Why Backups Are Good

You know, if you’re a system administrator there are a few things you should know (and probably do). One of those things is why you should have backups. If you can’t figure out why perhaps you should find a different profession. Seriously. I’m fine if you don’t keep backups because you’ve thought about it and you are taking a calculated risk. However, having to explain why backups are valuable to someone who, until this moment, I considered a peer is ridiculous. It’s like having to explain what DNS does to someone who calls themselves a network administrator. I’ve done that, too. Automatic Posting Not Working

Hmm, I don’t seem to be getting any link posts nightly anymore. Looking into it. Recent links include: One of the Meerkat Manor meerkats got run over by a truck. DOH. (has spoilers) Russian long-exposure photos make people look like smoke. Cool. Getty Images has released Moodstream, which is neat for evoking thoughts. Too bad they don’t have video of IT guys stomping the crap out of computer hardware, Office Space-style. Google has a project called Obfuscated TCP, to defeat wiretapping. It’s pretty sad it’s coming to this. How long will we put up with the Big Brother crap before we rise up and smite our government? Raymond Chen has an interesting story about letting the native speaker win. …

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