Perceived Productivity

“What, you just sit around all day browsing Wikipedia?”

“Excuse me?”

“What are you looking at in Wikipedia?”

“The article on X-Men.”

“Tough day at work, I suppose.”

“Um, I’m trying to figure out a naming scheme for the 10 new servers I’m bringing in. That okay with you?”

“Oh, sorry.”

Just because you think I’m not doing work doesn’t mean you’re right.

(also, great site for naming schemes:

5 thoughts on “Perceived Productivity”

  1. My co-workers seem to tolerate, and even accept that I name physical servers after baseball players.

    They get slightly mystified at the fact that I name virtual machines after U.S. National Parks.

    And they totally think it is over the top when I target virtual hosts and services toward the “personality” of the given physical servers, or the topography of the given national park virtual machine.

    Come to think of it, the first few times I caught myself doing the latter, I thought I had completely gone nuts too.

  2. A friend and I tend to use the names of planets from the Star Wars Galaxy. A nice thing is that there are tons of planets to be used.

  3. A client of ours has a server called uranus which was doing some strange stuff.

    This led to the following questions being asked:

    When was the last time you connected to uranus?
    When last were client’s able to browse websites on uranus?
    Are you the only one with access to uranus?

    I think uranus has been compromised…

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