Windows Vista Performance Tip: Enable Write Caching

On my PCs write caching wasn’t enabled by default for my system disk. Turn it on in the device manager (Right click “Computer”, choose “Properties,” choose “Device Manager” from the sidebar, expand the disk drives category, right click your drive, choose “Properties,” pick the “Policies” tab): I don’t suggest enabling this for removable media, as it pretty much guarantees data loss if you remove the device without stopping it first.

links for 2007-01-29

So sue me » Blog Archive » iHandcuffs “…Apple is applying FairPlay to files from record labels that do not require DRM…” – brainstorming with style

Tired Of People Stealing Your Screwdrivers?

Do you ever open your desk drawer and find that someone has borrowed your screwdrivers without returning them? Yeah, me too. I keep a decent set of tools in my office. I got this habit from my father, who basically had three sets of tools: one that went with him in his vehicle, one in the garage workshop, and one in the basement workshop. A good quality tool was never far away from where you needed it. Everybody knows I have a toolbox at work. I’ve made it clear that people can borrow the tools as long as they return them. It is inevitable, though, that eventually I can’t find my screwdrivers. Screwdrivers are the single most popular item, and …

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links for 2007-01-27

Toddler’s Temper Ousts Family From Plane | Chicago Tribune Yeah, the kid is an angel according to the parents, who won’t discipline them at all. Seen this before as a Boy Scout Assistant Scoutmaster. Note to parents: your kid is a terror.

Letting Go

I’m tired, as I was up sort of late last night. One of our storage arrays, the kind that is advertised to never fail, failed briefly. It took out our enterprise mail system and a variety of other databases and applications, all of which had been moved to this array because it was supposed to be super reliable. In my queue of things to write about is putting all your eggs in one basket while trusting vendors. “Where Data Lives” is more like “Where Data Dies And Support Shrugs At You Like They Think You Are An Idiot For Believing The Spec Sheet Or The Sales People.” In the meantime, xkcd has a cartoon today that hits pretty close to …

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Is 20,000 spam comments a sign of the apocalypse, or sign of growing popularity?


Well, I finally did it. I added AdSense to the sidebar. Sorry folks. I did it for a couple of reasons. I really don’t expect to make much money, maybe enough to cover my hosting. I don’t view the blog as a source of revenue but as a way for me to share things with the world. I’ve learned and taken much from people who have published their work. I wanted to give back, and I hope that some people find some of what I write useful. I do want to find out how AdSense works, though. So many bloggers use it, and some of my clients have asked me about it. I want to have answers for them. What’s …

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Apache Tip: Make a Dummy Virtual Host

With Apache httpd, any requests that come in that don’t match a VirtualHost stanza get serviced by the first VirtualHost available. You can often test this by browsing with your web server’s IP address. What site do you see? Is that what you want people to see when they didn’t know what they wanted to find? My suggestion: create a “dummy” virtual host that will return a blank page, or redirect to a known place. Put it first in the list of virtual hosts so that visitors get to see what you want them to see, not some other web site.

links for 2007-01-25 » Blog Archive » Can I start a movement? Amen. I will not subscribe to a feed which does not provide full content. Seth’s Blog: Creativity “The devil doesn’t need an advocate. The brave need supporters, not critics.” SHHHH cards for cell phone users (tags: humor) The Douche Card – $5.00 : Orange32, Online Shop (tags: humor) oAEP – Stream anything you want to your Apple Airport Express » Blog Archive » Las Vegas: Sweet six-figure lovin’ What in the heck is a “private fantasy butler?” instructables : A power remote controlled RGB LED mood light. (tags: todo) Many Eyes An interesting visualization service

Set Yourself Up For Success

“Hey, a package came for you.” “Sweet!” I reply. “Open it because I need one of those cards.” “These aren’t the fibre channel cards we ordered. It’s my egg cooker from Amazon.” “You bought an egg cooker?” He is looking at me like I am an alien. “Yeah. It boils eggs. I love hard boiled eggs but I always screw them up and I’m tired of it. Plus I had a gift certificate I had to use. And it was cheap.” “Dude, boiling eggs is super easy. Boil water. Insert eggs. Start timer. Maybe just learn to not be an idiot?” “Do you know how many eggs I’ve wasted? Plus all the power to heat all that water? I’m results-oriented, …

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