Themes, Again

Okay, time to find a new theme. Bear with me. If you’re reading in an aggregator: A) thank you for reading! B) thank you for not caring about my theme! 🙂

Spamming Bastards

Okay, you comment spamming clowns. Because of you I’ve set it to moderate any comment with more than zero URLs in it. Grrrr.

100 posts, w00t!

A big thank you to all who read this blog. Using my sophisticated web analytics package (me looking at Webalizer output) I think there are about 30 of you now. You make me all warm and fuzzy. In other notes, Firefox 2.0a1 just seems a LOT faster than 1.5. I don’t know what those guys changed but hey, cool. Obviously I’m keeping my 1.5 install around in case, but wow. And WordPress 2.0.2 doesn’t fix the weird rich text editor problems that I have, where the posted document doesn’t have the same paragraph breaks that the editor shows. Doh! Anyhow, thanks folks! Update: And yes, I know that the daily postings are counted in the 100, but hey, seeing …

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Apache 2.2.0

Given that it’s been out for a while I thought I should spring for the latest Apache httpd, version 2.2.0 I really like the cleanups that the httpd team has done with the configuration files, the modules, etc. I usually set bigger web servers up with separate include files for virtual hosts, especially if there is change control on the files. That way I can build a process for people to muck with the virtual hosts and leave the main server settings alone (and secure). I also appreciate the level of default security the server has. I don’t really tax Apache much anymore. A long time ago I had a few web servers that ran on underpowered hardware, but nowadays …

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Themes, Privacy, FLAC

It’s been a productive day, here at home on MLK, Jr. day. I finally found a theme worth a damn. The name wp-andreas09 isn’t very sexy, but the theme looks good. Mad props to Andreas Viklund and Ainslie Johnson for creating, maintaining, and giving their themes away so that clowns like me can have a purdy site. Plus it also has prominent RSS feed links, so you don’t have to go find the bottom of the page anymore. I also took the opportunity to crawl out of my hole and introduce myself, though not extensively, and add a privacy policy. I didn’t need to do that quite yet, but as I experiment with Google AdSense I’ll need one. And I …

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WordPress 2.0

Holy crap, the upgrade from WordPress 1.5.3 to 2.0 is freaking painless. I think it took me five minutes, including the upgrade to the test copy of my site. Now that is the way software should work. Good job guys! The new editor interface kicks total ass, too. In unrelated news I have received my first comment spam. Three of ’em, actually. I don’t know whether I should be excited or annoyed. 🙂 I’d say that I’ll check out the Akismet plugin that comes with WP 2 but the problem isn’t that bad (yet). Update: It took a couple of days but the official announcement is finally out. Freaking awesome!

New Year's Resolutions?

OMFG, I haven’t posted since the beginning of November. The last 30 days have been basically a crisis a day, and this blog has suffered. Sorry. My friend Finch was commenting the other day that we should ditch New Year’s resolutions, and go for the Martin Luther King Day resolutions that start with “I have a dream.” I like that. I have a dream that I will post once a day on this blog, for the entire month of January. Hopefully by January 30th it’ll be a habit. It’d be funny if my New Year’s resolution for 2007 is to stop blogging so much.


Arggh, all themes for WordPress suck. I’d like one with the sidebar on the left side, and as much space as possible for text on the right. If you’re viewing this site I’m going to have to apologize for the way it’s going to look for the next day or so. I’m on it. If you’re reading this via RSS, well, you are safe, for now. 🙂


To mangle The Clash, I fought the blog and the blog won. I have avoided a blog for a long time. While trying to avoid blogging I’ve also been yearning to start a system adminstration web site that isn’t just forums. Something with more personality and higher signal-to-noise is in order, where the n00b questions don’t sap the energy of the site. I read a lot of blogs by programmers, such as Phil Haack over at and DrunkenBatman at, where programming and life as a code-enabled human gets woven into a sort of an ongoing narrative. In hoping to do something similar as a sysadmin, it finally occurred to me that I should do just that: something similar, …

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