100 posts, w00t!

A big thank you to all who read this blog. Using my sophisticated web analytics package (me looking at Webalizer output) I think there are about 30 of you now. You make me all warm and fuzzy.

In other notes, Firefox 2.0a1 just seems a LOT faster than 1.5. I don’t know what those guys changed but hey, cool. Obviously I’m keeping my 1.5 install around in case, but wow.

And WordPress 2.0.2 doesn’t fix the weird rich text editor problems that I have, where the posted document doesn’t have the same paragraph breaks that the editor shows. Doh!

Anyhow, thanks folks!

Update: And yes, I know that the daily del.icio.us postings are counted in the 100, but hey, seeing what I’m linking to is part of the blog experience. 🙂