No Way That This Blog is Rated G

“What’s My Blog Rated?” says I’m rated G: Yeah, um, WTF. I’m going to have to go ahead and disagree. 🙂 I saw this on Maitri’s blog, but her friend’s post is hilarious. At least to me.

Lamer, er, "La Mer"

I was looking for a photo in my gallery and I stumbled upon this, taken last December at the Union Square Neiman Marcus in San Francisco. My girlfriend tells me this is fancy stuff. Maybe you see why I’m skeptical.

Wrong Kind Of Cluster, Pal

My phone rings. Today I hate my phone. “Hi Bob. I’d like to talk about clustering if you have a minute,” says the guy on the other end. “Sure thing. What do you want to know?” I reply. “A customer of mine wants to use VMware to build a ROCKS cluster.” “In what way? For testing?” “No, production. They want to install it on virtual machines running in a VMware cluster.” …a few seconds pass… “You’re joking, right?” He’s got to be joking, I tell myself. “Why? I thought you liked VMware.” “VMware helps you drive utilization of your servers up, operating on the principle that most of your servers are sitting there doing nothing. That isn’t a true about …

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Speaking at LOPSA Madison

If you’re in the Madison, WI area I’ll be speaking at the meeting of the Madison chapter of LOPSA tomorrow. My presentation is entitled “VMware: The Quick and the Dead” and I’ll be talking about my VMware experiences and environments, what works, what sucks, and how to make Virtual Infrastructure a tool that helps you get things done. It’s at: 2310 Computer Sciences 1210 W Dayton St Madison, WI, 53706 United States Walk into the center atrium and take the green elevators to the second floor.

Safari on Windows, iTunes as the Finder

(writing this inside Safari)  My take on Safari on Windows: eh, cool. It is fast. Fast ain’t everything, though, but Firefox is really pissing me off lately. Between crashing, leaking RAM, leaking RAM then crashing, there is a lot of room for an ultra-stable web browser. Hopefully Safari is it. It is nice that all the same keystrokes work for stuff in Safari as they did in Firefox. I also think it’s interesting how the new Finder is just the iTunes interface. Do people really like Cover Flow that much that they have to put it everywhere? Who cares? I do like how Apple said the iPhone SDK is the browser. Good for you, Apple. Interesting that there was little …

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Most. Confusing. Product. Description. Evarrr.

“The PowerEdge 1950 is a high performance, highly available and scalable, ultra-dense 1U rack general-purpose server ideally suited for edge-of-network, infrastructure, thin client/server-based computing and high performance computing cluster environments. The PowerEdge 1950 is designed to reduce complexity in the workplace by increasing commonality among Dell’s next generation of servers while delivering the greatest value possible.” Couldn’t that be said with fewer buzzwords? Like: “The PowerEdge 1950 is a high performance 1U general purpose server, configurable for just about any workload you might have, large or small. It is perfect standalone or in a cluster, with as many or as few high-availability features as desired. It is designed to reduce complexity and costs by increasing the number of features and …

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Water Usage

My local water utility has software that detects substantial drops in water usage. It is a symptom of a failing meter, and they send you a little card saying they want to come check it out. I started getting these cards when I first moved into my house. They don’t actually say anything other than “you need a service call.” Turns out it’s because of the drastic drop in water usage from the old owner to the new one. They use 15 ccf per person per house per six months as the benchmark for usage. Each ccf is 100 cubic feet of water, which is 748 gallons. 15 ccf is then 11,220 gallons, or 1,870 gallons per month, or 93.5 …

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Happy Memorial Day

Hey everybody, It’s beautiful here in Stillwater, MN, sitting on my mother’s deck working on not looking like a ghost. I’m in the Cities for another day, having come up for a funeral, and sticking around to see my family. Today was dedicated to planting trees. At my house in Madison I have huge maple trees, and I have maple seedlings as weeds. They grow everywhere, given the thousands of helicopters that issue forth every May. My mother has five acres of land, some of which is devoid of trees. So it’s a perfect match, I weed and save them, then replant them in her yard. This time I had, oh, 40 of them or so. The trick to planting …

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Why I'm Not Reading Your Blog

Why won’t I read your blog anymore? You post constantly. I don’t want to read 5 to 10 blog posts a day from you, because when I take a day or two off I end up with lots of unread material, which I then mark as read to catch up. Marking things as read makes me feel bad, because I feel like I’m ignoring you. Unsubscribing then keeps me from feeling bad. You don’t offer the full posts via a feed. In those first few lines of your excerpt you have to make me want to read more. Almost nobody can do it. After a while I deem your blog boring and unsubscribe. Your images and links don’t actually appear …

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i can has enough

I bet lolcats, most notably in the form of I CAN HAS CHEEZBURGER?, has had a measurable impact on productivity world wide. Having just had over 50 new posts to sort through I’ve gotta break the cycle…[0] It’s only lolgeeks for me from now on. [0] I’m adding “too many posts” to my list of fatal blog flaws…