Why I'm Not Reading Your Blog

Why won’t I read your blog anymore?

You post constantly.

I don’t want to read 5 to 10 blog posts a day from you, because when I take a day or two off I end up with lots of unread material, which I then mark as read to catch up. Marking things as read makes me feel bad, because I feel like I’m ignoring you. Unsubscribing then keeps me from feeling bad.

You don’t offer the full posts via a feed.

In those first few lines of your excerpt you have to make me want to read more. Almost nobody can do it. After a while I deem your blog boring and unsubscribe.

Your images and links don’t actually appear in my feed reader.

Other photos and illustrations appear for other blogs, why are yours broken? You link to something but the link doesn’t show as a link in the feed. This means you’re doing it wrong, and I don’t want to associate with people who can’t get it right.

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