links for 2010-05-13

Our thoughts on open markets | Adobe Adobe has never been interested in open markets until now. Flash, PDF, and PostScript are all great examples of Adobe lock-in. And if Adobe had a quality product in the least with Flash this wouldn't be happening. If I were them I'd STFU until Flash is rock-solid stable and super efficient with resources.

links for 2010-04-22

Are you one of the 10% of programmers who can write a binary search? « The Reinvigorated Programmer Just pulled this off Jeremy Zawodny's linkblog. Interesting — I've written a binary search before, I will have to dig it up and see if I can find bugs in it. I want to know if I'm part of the 10%! (I better be, I get depressed when I'm not in the top echelon of dorks). 🙂 Breaking: Android – Now On The iPhone :: App Advice I am totally doing this as soon as I have my iPhone back near my normal PCs, so I can restore… Letter from Here: Mayor Dave takes on the Lycra dress code "More people will …

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links for 2010-04-21

Struggling with Time-Debt The idea of time-bankruptcy is something I'm familiar with. I just declared myself time-bankrupt recently. It's been awesome. The down side is feeling like you are quitting or abandoning your commitments, but if you didn't have enough time for your commitments in the first place it's probably good that you are getting out of them. You free up time, and the task or group you committed to can find someone else who CAN spend the time. – Why you need books in your home "Kids who grow up near books do better in school than kids who don’t, on average." I know as a kid I didn't have DVD players, TVs, etc. around me at all …

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links for 2010-04-20

Richard Dawkins calls for arrest of Pope Benedict XVI -Times Online Hitchens, author of God Is Not Great, said: “This man is not above or outside the law. The institutionalised concealment of child rape is a crime under any law and demands not private ceremonies of repentance or church-funded payoffs, but justice and punishment."

links for 2010-04-19

IBM prunes low-cost AIX rev • The Register You can only have 8 GB of memory per core in AIX Express? Um, why in the world would you buy an AIX box anymore in the face of the new Intel CPUs and Linux? The IBM licensing fees alone pay for the Intel hardware. Althouse: Why should it be illegal for airlines to charge a fee for carry-on bags when they can charge a fee for checking bags? "Right now, the checked baggage fee has cost-conscious travelers dragging more bags on board. Why is it always the most annoying people who find champions in Congress?" AMEN. I hate people who fill all the onboard compartments with giant luggage. I've only had …

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links for 2010-04-18 – Teacher Who Sought to 'Demolish' Tea Party Placed on Leave From School "Now, the source said, parents have become outraged by the severity of his political activism, and many have told the school board members that it has no place in a public school system." – Apparently it's not okay to have an opinion if you are a teacher, unless, of course, your opinion is the right one. Wikipedia discussion on deleting entry on David Miller – Harald Welte's Blog The interesting, perhaps ironic, thing about Wikipedia deciding to delete David Miller's page is that Wikipedia runs on Linux hosts. David Miller is a fundamental reason why Wikipedia can even exist the way it does. Yet they have …

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links for 2010-04-17

Last In – First Out: Bit by a Bug – Data loss Running Oracle on ZFS on Solaris 10, pre Update 8 Between this and the giant Joyent ZFS problems from a few years ago it makes me pretty wary of ZFS. It doesn't seem mature if it's losing data like this, and the problem was fixed in October of 2009. It's also pretty irresponsible of Sun to not publicize the matter more directly, and I'm sure that Oracle won't publicize it, either. Apple’s iPad Brings Easy Reading to the Blind «'s Booked I've learned a lot about design from blind people I've known (as well as how service animals work). I've never played with VoiceOver, but it's on …

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links for 2010-04-16

Dell's New Tablet, the Streak, Earns Rave Review | Peter Kafka | MediaMemo | AllThingsD Dude, what is up with tablets being named poorly? The STREAK? Like, get naked and run across a football field? Come on, people The Coming Carnage in the California Wine Industry – Vinography: A Wine Blog Interesting take on the glut of wine currently coming out of California, the general lack of sales, the impending destruction of a lot of wineries as a result, and the collateral damage (pun intended) that will happen to the banks financing those wineries. OpenSolaris leaders unnerved by Oracle silence – solaris, oracle, OpenSolaris – Good Gear Guide If I relied on Solaris or OpenSolaris right now I'd start assessing …

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