links for 2010-10-19

The Spinning Disk’s Stay of Execution | virtual insanity Good description of what Xiotech does in their arrays that make them pretty sweet. One thing they don't note is cooling — because the disks counterrotate they end up having backplanes on both sides of a 3U disk unit. This means a nice big hole down the middle of the disk pack, and air can be circulated slowly down the center instead of the standard high-velocity fan setup, needing to push air around a backplane. Cool (pun intended). New CPR is spelled C-A-B – So the new guideline is to forget rescue breathing in CPR and just start compressions. That's a big change but it makes sense.

links for 2010-10-07

Ten Essential Tools for Linux Administrators | LinuxTechCrunch | Linux Software | Linux Software Download | Linux Software Tutorials This came through via the Nagios community. Nagios is #7 on the dumbest list of tools ever. Nobody in their right mind would put Nagios, a useful tool every day, in the same list as Gparted (which you’ll use once or twice a year, tops), Webmin (no self-respecting Linux admin uses Webmin), or Byobu (WTF, an app that tells you your OS version? You don’t know that already?) [UPDATE: Check the comments, Byobu isn’t what this article describes it as]. A list built by people who know nothing about Linux, for sure. Tiger Woods gives us the greatest golf photo you’ll …

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links for 2010-09-29

Research Shows Radiometric Dating Still Reliable (Again) A previous link of mine, a month ago, was about how it seemed that the half-life of nuclear isotopes seemed to change based on the sun's output. Now others have ruled part of it out. I suspect we're not done with this debate, especially since we need to figure out exactly why some people thought it did change. I do like the quote: “There are always more unknowns in your measurements than you can think of.” VMware KB: SCSI Reservation Conflicts when using OpenFiler iSCSI Storage Devices Moral of the story is: OpenFiler doesn't work as iSCSI storage for VMware. Nor does anything using the IET. VIDEO: Blackhawk Almost Down in Lake Tahoe …

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links for 2010-09-27

VMware KB: Installing TCP/IP in Windows 95 You have got to be kidding me. If you need this explained to you you should not be in IT, nor anywhere near a virtual machine. Brainfuck – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia "The brainfuck programming language is an esoteric programming language noted for its extreme minimalism. It is a Turing tarpit, designed to challenge and amuse programmers, and is not suitable for practical use. Its name has been variously bowdlerized. The name of the language is generally not capitalized, although it is a proper noun."

links for 2010-09-24

Whats the difference between kbps and kBps ? A lot. – My Etherealmind You can tell that science education is missing from most countries nowadays, just by the carelessness shown with units. Some vendors confuse this, too. A factor of 8 is a big deal in most calculations, at least if you care about the result.

links for 2010-09-17

San Antonio brothers threaten to sue Storyville, claim to own “Who Dat” – The Storyville Blog This is mega lame — "Who Dat" has so much prior art this can't succeed. But it's Louisiana… Hmm… Project OpenIndiana While I admire the dedication to the platform, is it worth the time? Will anybody but a few hobbyists use it? Seems like if you want Solaris you should just buy the real thing… The Cisco UCS B230 – the Goldilocks Blade Server | M. Sean McGee Two 8-core CPUs and a ton of RAM is my sweet spot right now, looks like Cisco just found it, too. HDCP 'master key' supposedly released, unlocks HDTV copy protection permanently — Engadget What's the cliche …

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links for 2010-09-14

Airline CEO: Nix co-pilot, save money – "Let's take out the second pilot. Let the bloody computer fly it," O'Leary told Bloomberg Businessweek, adding that a flight attendant on each flight could be trained to help land a plane if something goes wrong. "If the pilot has an emergency, he rings the bell, he calls her in," O'Leary told the magazine. "She could take over." <– Um, what happens if the pilot doesn't get to ring the bell? Boy, I'm glad this guy runs an airline… VMware KB: Best practices for virtual machine snapshots in the VMware environment "Snapshots are not backups. As the snapshot file is only a change log of the original virtual disk, do not rely upon …

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links for 2010-09-12

Michael Moore: If the 'Mosque' Isn't Built, This Is No Longer America "There is a McDonald's two blocks from Ground Zero. Trust me, McDonald's has killed far more people than the terrorists." I wish some big news channel would do an hour long special on Islam, if only so people would stop talking out of their asses about a religion they know nothing about.