links for 2008-03-11

Gone, Without a Trace | “As humiliating as it sounds, let me repeat: the MacBook Air is so thin that it got tossed out with the newspapers.” If he were a customer of mine his replacement notebook would be spiral-bound. Spitzer Is Linked to Prostitution Ring – New York Times Why does it always sound like the high-priced prostitutes are the ones being watched? 🙂 NASA photos These are great photos of one of the NASA missions to the ISS. (via Jeremy Zawodny) Scifi Art: Robots Have Needs Too “…the only thing missing from the photo is the reactions of the students who wandered into the men’s room and saw the rusty contraption using up one of the urinals.” …

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links for 2008-03-10

WWNPHD on Flickr – Photo Sharing! I am looking forward to the new Harold & Kumar movie, and this poster is great. Dude, NPH wouldn’t do that. SXSW Showcasing Music Torrents Excellent use of BitTorrent for legal purposes. A big thanks to Greg Hewgill for setting this up. New icons for iTunes and Calculator on the iPhone 2.0 – The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW) My theory about the calculator icon changing: it looks too much like a classic Braun calculator and they had to change it. 451 CAOS Theory » Red Hat branding police outlaws RHEL More proof that as time passes these open-source companies get more and more like their closed-source brethren, one moronic decision at a time. Everybody …

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links for 2008-03-08

CeBIT 2008: Ciprico offers Raidcore High-End-RAID for Everyone – For only $49 | Tom’s Hardware A buddy of mine works on this stuff, and it’s awesome to see Ciprico getting good press. Congratulations guys! best of craigslist : to the guy doing my wife Heh. Royal Pingdom » The “top secret” room where 260 Internet Service Providers connect “If this facility went down, most of California and parts of the rest of the world would not be able to connect to the internet.” Yeah, most of teh intertubes doesn’t have much redundancy, because it costs money and ISPs are cheap.

links for 2008-03-05, the Official Web site of the Green Bay Packers. “Brett Favre has informed us of his intention to retire from the Green Bay Packers and the NFL.” Good for him, walk away while you can. Thanks for all the years of great play!

links for 2008-03-04 Tech: How to enable passhrough authentication in VMware VirtualCenter 2.5 This is pretty cool.

links for 2008-03-03

The kind of emails I get | Eric Cheng’s Journal Yeah, I love rude “tell me stuff” email messages I get, too. And, by love I mean hate. Ditto for those same types of blog comments. “I noticed you blogged about disks. Tell me how to recover my data from my dead disk.” Grrrr. A Card-Carrying Civil Libertarian – New York Times Obama a civil libertarian? There is no way I’m not voting for this guy. Why I’m Fed Up with TED They might be a bunch of snobs, but if I was invited I’d go in a second. I’m glad they put some of the video up on the web. Typical Mac User Podcast » Time Capsules’ Server-Grade Hard …

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links for 2008-02-29 Playmobil Security Check Point The comments here are amazing. “My 5 year old son pointed out that the passenger’s shoes cannot be removed. Then, we placed a deadly fingernail file underneath the passenger’s scarf, and neither the detector doorway nor the security wand picked it up.” – Packers: Favre retirement page a mistake “The people who handle our website set up mock pages. It’s as simple as that. A third party was preparing something in case (Favre’s retirement) happened. They’ve done that the last five years.” Your web site folks are idiots and should have a test site. Googirl | San Francisco online I didn’t know Marissa Mayer is from Wisconsin. Yet another person I’d love to talk …

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links for 2008-02-28

Senator Clinton’s “Million Little Pieces” moment. – Here Comes Everybody Clinton is trying to steal the Democratic nomination by convincing delegates to vote for her against the public will, and against the automatic delegate provisions. Is this supposed to make us think of her as something other than a dirty politician? garfield minus garfield “Who would have guessed that when you remove Garfield from the Garfield comic strips, the result is an even better comic about schizophrenia, bipolor disorder, and the empty desperation of modern life?” OMFG, awesome, I hate that cat anyhow.

links for 2008-02-26

Hostages? Guns? No, just theater troupe’s rehearsal As Bruce Schneier would put it, continued wars on the unexpected. Problem is, this was my theater company, and as someone who has mistakenly been held at gunpoint by the cops I don’t find this funny at all.

links for 2008-02-25

Howls of protest as America declares open season on grey wolves | Environment | The Observer I’m all for this, provided good management of the pack and incredibly stiff fines for poaching, to make ranchers think twice about shooting them on sight. Reintroducing a species that was missing is tricky, and having management options is a good thing. Researchers Find Way to Steal Encrypted Data – New York Times The RAM-freezing attack is fairly impractical for most, but it needs to be fixed, and the community at large seems to have really started thinking about how, which is cool. Nader to run, but this time he may be run-of-the-mill — I can hear Republican cheers! When will this guy …

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