links for 2008-03-11

  • “As humiliating as it sounds, let me repeat: the MacBook Air is so thin that it got tossed out with the newspapers.” If he were a customer of mine his replacement notebook would be spiral-bound.
  • Why does it always sound like the high-priced prostitutes are the ones being watched? 🙂
  • These are great photos of one of the NASA missions to the ISS. (via Jeremy Zawodny)
  • “…the only thing missing from the photo is the reactions of the students who wandered into the men’s room and saw the rusty contraption using up one of the urinals.” Now this is art I like.
  • ext4 sounds like a great incremental improvement for Fedora & RHEL. A good interview with Eric Sandeen, but I’m biased. He worked on a SCSI timeout bug I was having with RHEL & virtual machines and he was incredibly helpful.