No Flowers in My Hair, Though

I am off to San Francisco, continuing my month of flitting around the country. I get to see my first professional football game ever on Sunday, the Packers vs. the 49ers. With the Packers lately it’s no doubt who will win, but it should be fun regardless. Plus I’ll be in San Francisco, the place where I first ate sushi and drank bubble tea and hard pear cider. What a great place. The guys I’m going with are beer guys, so trips to the Toronado Room and the Magnolia Pub are inevitable. Probably at least one breakfast at the Pork Store, and a lunch at PPQ is tradition for me. If you have an idea for what else I should …

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How Many IPv6 IPs Does It Take To Hose Linux and VMware?

I’ve been doing a lot of IPv6 testing lately. My network engineers allocated a /64 to me, which gives me 18,446,744,073,709,551,616 available IPs. My new goal is to use each and every one of those IPs. A few minutes getting my network guys to trunk the right VLANs into my test VMware setup, one “for” loop, “sprintf(“%x”, $i)”, and one system call (“ifconfig eth0 inet6 add”) and I know a few more things: 1) Somewhere around IP number 4,010 I ran into a limit in Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS 4’s networking subsystems, or in VMware ESX Server. No more data in or out on any protocol. Smells like a buffer size needs to grow. I expected this. 2) The …

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links for 2006-12-06

Sick Hockey Goal – CollegeHumor video The goalie had no chance here, because who expects that? Awesome. Visa USA | Small Business & Merchants | Cardholder Information Security Program Nikon D40 Hands-on Preview: 1. Introduction: Digital Photography Review Mmmm. Google Ranking Factors – SEO Checklist Mighty Girl – » Blog Archive » PUTTING IN A WINDOW Check Page Rank The Pragmatic Programmers, LLC Fixing Broken Windows – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Share This" Icon, Part Two

Alex just put up revision two of the “Share This” icons. Go over and see what you think. But then again, I just thought of another possible modification. An “OCR A Extended” asterisk. Similar to the star, blunt-ended, though. Yeah, I don’t know what I was thinking for the second one, either.

“Share This” Icons

In reply to Alex King’s discussion of potential “Share This” icons, I posit, “what about arrows?” Plus it’s a good excuse to learn more about Adobe Illustrator, which I spend very little time in. No particular reason I picked blue, other than I sorta like it. I have some other ideas but they need some work… Update: here are some other thoughts. I didn’t change the color yet, though blue is the color of OPML. We can worry about that if we get a design that doesn’t suck. Green would be good. We could tip it up so. “Up & out” == sharing, right? Plus the serendipitous shadow arrow pointing back down. You get what you give? Stars are nice. …

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Lesson From The Fountain

The takeaway lesson in the movie The Fountain is that you should not drink wholesale from the Tree of Life, or you will become a flowerbed. I wonder if the sap of the Tree of Life could be made into syrup, though. Good movie. Xibalba, the Mayan underworld, is a fairly interesting topic.

links for 2006-12-05

Official Zooomr Blog : Sending Our Love to Bloggers: 2.5GB 4GB Free Pro Accounts Don’t Fuck With Simple (by Jeremy Zawodny) [wp-hackers] 5 minutes to a faster blog (tags: wordpress) [wp-hackers] Improving WordPress’ Performance WAS Changing MySQL minimum version (tags: wordpress) Chuck Norris Facts OMFG, funny. Anil Dash: Pay By The Hour WikiMatrix – Compare them all Upticks and Downticks « SOG’s ETF Report As a Boy Scout at summer camp I was sent once to retrieve a left-handed smoke shifter for a campfire… Three hours of my life I’ve never getting back. SftpDrive: The SFTP Network File System for Windows The Post-Rapture Post – Send Messages to Loved Ones!

Posting From Microsoft Word 2007

Blog posts from Microsoft Office 2007? Holy crap! What an unexpected, pleasant surprise. This might actually be cool if it works. The WYSIWYG editor in WordPress has been less than thrilling for me, not to mention you need to be online to use it. Often the best time for me to write is when I’m not online. I’ve written a number of posts in Word that way. This will just make them easier to post. Oh heck yeah, I can even put charts in this post.

Yup, Yahoo! TV Sucks

It’s very interesting that I went to Yahoo! TV today for the first time in probably a year, and upon finally arriving there[0] thought to myself three things: 1) What the heck did they do to this site? What’s with all the promos? 2) Where the heck are the actual TV listings? 3) What the heck did they do to the listings (once I found them, linking at the bottom of the page)? Why can I not get the listings to move except in specific three hour chunks, making it hard to see what’s on because I can’t get it to center on the current time? WTF? Then, no more than 10 minutes later, saw Jeremy Zawodny’s post about all …

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Only Keep What We Need

Human beings tend to hoard things. There are various explanations for it, usually evolutionary. Wealth and possessions tend to be the first things we think of as “hoardable” but on a daily basis I interact with people who hoard data. In some places it seems to be an epidemic, a disease among IT departments and management, where folks try to collect, index, and retain gobs of data. I ask them “why do you need all this data?” and they reply with vague, ambiguous missives. They cannot even fathom not keeping track of absolutely everything. “You can never have too much data,” one fellow told me a few years ago. “You use the data when making decisions!” he uttered as if …

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