“A man’s troubles can be measured by the number of keys in his pocket.” – David Plankers
5 thoughts on “Keys”
Amen. (19 keys and an 8 gig flash drive)
Yeah, substitute the flash drive for a Hitachi stainless steel bottle opener (best vendor gift ever) and I’m just about the same.
I remember when my Dad said that he had just retired and got his key ring down to a house, truck, minivan, and cabin keys. Show off.
Shannon’s Corollary: “A woman’s blessings of friendship can be measured by the number of keys in her pockets.” I think I have keys to at least 7 of my friend’s houses on my keyring. 🙂
Amen. (19 keys and an 8 gig flash drive)
Yeah, substitute the flash drive for a Hitachi stainless steel bottle opener (best vendor gift ever) and I’m just about the same.
I remember when my Dad said that he had just retired and got his key ring down to a house, truck, minivan, and cabin keys. Show off.
Shannon’s Corollary: “A woman’s blessings of friendship can be measured by the number of keys in her pockets.” I think I have keys to at least 7 of my friend’s houses on my keyring. 🙂
So true:
petre@kobold:~ $ wc -l ~/.ssh/known_hosts
1528 /home/petre/.ssh/known_hosts
(I used to have more, but I clean them up from time to time)
Don’t forget about the number of batteries. Points if at some point they interact with they keys and change to shock him.