Great Places For My Mom To See In San Francisco

It’s time for another edition of “Ask My Readers.” You folks did so well guiding me to places in San Francisco that I am going to ask you again, only with a different slant (basically not so much drinking advice). 🙂

My mother will be just south of Windsor, CA in March, for a week. That’s 60 miles north of SF. I’m trying to put together a list of suggested destinations, but I need help.

She’s a crafty sort of person, likes quilting, not so into art or tech stuff. She’ll be with a couple other ladies who have similar tastes, and who aren’t afraid to drive. I am going to try grouping some of the suggestions into groups, including something like “if it’s not foggy out do these…”

So far I have:

  • Wine valleys, maybe (if I can find one with a good tour)
  • Point Reyes (if it isn’t foggy)
  • Muir Woods
  • Golden Gate NRA, especially the overlooks
  • Walking out on the Golden Gate
  • Golden Gate Park & the Conservatory
  • Union Square/Fisherman’s Wharf/standard stuff in SF
  • A drive up/down Highway 1

I really need suggestions for other stuff north of San Francisco. I’m also thinking about suggesting a day in Berkeley. There’s a quilt shop near UC-Berkeley, and I’ve had fun over there myself.


1 thought on “Great Places For My Mom To See In San Francisco”

  1. I live in the Napa Valley and it’s a good place to start. In Napa your mother can get a ride on the Wine Train.

    For a tour in Napa you can check out Napa Wine Tours. They cover both Napa and Sonoma.

    Aside from wine, Napa and Sonoma both have great antiques.

    In SF there is Fisherman’s Wharf. Good shopping and great food. She can also take a trip over to Alcatraz off Pier 39. Alcatraz is a fun trip!

    Hope she finds some fun!

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