I Heart Wikis

Raymond Chen, of Microsoft fame, has a great blog post entitled “If there’s a problem with a wiki, then you can fix it; that’s why it’s a wiki.” One paragraph stood out to me: “In other words, if you see something wrong, fix it yourself. Don’t just stand around saying somebody should do something. Be someone. Because on a wiki, there is no default value for somebody.” We’ve been using Atlassian’s Confluence as a wiki at work for ages, and love it[0]. They have a starter program where most of their software is $10 for 10 users. If your team is small and you’re not already using a wiki this is a great way to go. For $30 you get …

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Upcoming Virtualization & Sysadmin Events in Wisconsin

There are a number of virtualization & sysadmin events coming up in Wisconsin in the next two months. Here are the ones that I know of, if you know of more please comment and I’ll add them. Madison’s first ever #vBeers is Thursday, April 26, 2012 at the UW-Madison Memorial Union. I’m putting it together, if you’re in the area please stop by. It’s supposed to be in the upper 50° F range outside so we’ll probably be inside in the Rathskeller. No signup needed. Please come and keep me company. Stephen Foskett is setting up Milwaukee’s first #vBeers for May 1, 2012, at the Miller Time Pub, 7 to 10 PM. You can sign up via Eventbrite. So far …

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