New Orleans, Mardi Gras, Me

I’m in New Orleans for a weekend of Mardi Gras parades. My friends Derick and Maitri graciously invited me down, and hooked me up with the Krewe of King Arthur. As a result I’m now the proud owner of a few thousand beads that I’ll throw from a float tomorrow. I’m really looking forward to it. Before yesterday I hadn’t even seen a Mardi Gras parade. I did get to catch the end of the Krewe of Cork parade, a walking parade through the French Quarter. After that we headed down to St. Charles Avenue to see the Oshun and Pygmalion parades. It was raining so hard, though, that Pygmalion rescheduled. There are a lot of rules surrounding Mardi Gras …

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Dealing With Jerks & Harassment

Given that I’m a computer guy I get asked for computer advice from time to time. Often it is about web browsers crashing, or slow computers, but sometimes it is more serious. Most recently it was what to do about a guy who is harassing some folks on message boards and via email. I’m not a lawyer, nor am I a law enforcement officer, so my advice in these matters is worth exactly what people pay for it. Nonetheless, I’ve seen good and bad ways of dealing with situations like these, and thought some commentary might be in order. I always suggest people gather as much information as they can. Get their full name, address, place of employment, web sites, …

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What To Wear During Wisconsin Winters

I met a fellow yesterday that looked completely out of place in the 10° F weather. Turns out he was from Los Angeles and was absolutely new to the whole snow & cold thing. Having just arrived he didn’t have a proper winter coat. He noted that there isn’t really any advice for what to get for winter clothing unless you are an athlete or planning on spending a lot of time outside. “Sounds like a blog post to me,” I commented. Here’s are my suggestions if you’re new to the upper Midwest winters and don’t want to freeze upon your arrival here. This is also very guy-centric, given my point of view. A good winter coat which goes down …

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Making A Difference

“You guys sure make a difference around here,” a coworker says on his way out the door. “He didn’t say if the difference we make is good or bad.” “Sure, ruin the first compliment we’ve had in years.”

All Your Base Are Belong To Us

I had to dig this up for a friend, I figured I’d post it. Last time I looked on teh intertubes I couldn’t find a copy. All Your Base Are Belong To Us It is the dance remix version. My coworkers promptly counterattacked with the Picard Song. FOR GREAT JUSTICE!

Having Your Act Together

Having been a support technician I can safely say that the fastest way to a support guy’s heart is to know that he hates you. He doesn’t want to talk. He doesn’t want an audience. You are not his friend. And it isn’t personal. He just wants to get in, get the problem fixed, and get out again. The best way to defeat this is to have your act together. Help him get out as fast as possible and he’ll stay forever. My DSL modem died two days ago. I know it died because the power light would come on, then the Ethernet light despite no Ethernet connection. Then it would sit there, and the Ethernet light would occassionally blink …

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Why Would You Say No?

I registered to see a Cisco seminar about their Network Emergency Response Vehicle. Like seeing the Sun Blackbox, I look forward to seeing what technology they’ve crammed in a truck. The registration form had a funny field, though. Admittedly it was optional, so you didn’t have to answer, but it’s strange to see a form with only one response checkbox:

New Laptop On Its Way

After waffling for a month about what I should get for a new laptop, I have just ordered a Dell Latitude D830 to replace my war-weary D610. It’ll be all decked out, with a 2.4 GHz T7700, 256 MB NVIDIA Quadro NVS 140M[0], 4 GB RAM, DVD+/-RW, dual batteries, Draft-n wireless, and 120 GB hybrid hard disk. Sweet. I was thinking about waiting until Macworld happened, but the likelihood of Apple adding a second mouse button and pointing stick mouse to the Macbook Pro is pretty low. Plus I don’t like where the MagSafe power connector is. I sit cross-legged a lot and the power connector on my girlfriend’s Macbook Pro knocks loose on my knee. Dell has their power …

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Why I'm An NVIDIA Guy Now

I’ve been having all manner of problems with Microsoft Vista on my desktop PC. Many of you who read my blog regularly know this, as I’ve been very critical of Microsoft Vista, often because of these problems. I couldn’t play any QuickTime videos from my system drive, video quality was poor, and a lot of things were slow. Of all things, it was QuickTime and iTunes causing me the most problems. I never realized how much I relied on multimedia until I couldn’t use it, especially now with my iPhone. I even have an external hard disk just so I can play videos. I was talking to some guys today about Vista and all the problems I’ve had. In conversation …

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Apparently Computer Guys Don't Dress Up

I work in a very relaxed environment. I normally appear at work in jeans, a button-down shirt, and more often than not a Widespread Panic ballcap[0]. Go beyond that with a corduroy blazer, dress pants, and a tie[1], and you hear: “Job interview? With us?” “Hey, I didn’t know you aren’t bald.” “Can I ask if your court appearance was anything serious?” “Hey, unclip your tie for a second, we spilled something.” “Are you trying to be the PC guy from those Mac commercials?” “How long is your mom in town? Will she come over and dress me, too?” “I didn’t know they made Garanimals that big.” And these are people I consider my friends. [0] I love wearing a …

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