links for 2010-06-03

Why Obama Should Put BP Under Temporary Receivership | TPMCafe "The Obama administration keeps saying BP is in charge because BP has the equipment and expertise necessary to do what's necessary. But under temporary receivership, BP would continue to have the equipment and expertise. The only difference: the firm would unambiguously be working in the public's interest. As it is now, BP continues to be responsible primarily to its shareholders, not to the American public. As a result, the public continues to worry that a private for-profit corporation is responsible for stopping a public tragedy." Ron Zappe, founder of Zapp's Potato Chips, dies of throat cancer at 67 | My friend Maitri linked to this, this is sad. Like …

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links for 2010-06-02

xkcd: Worst-Case Scenario One of the reasons I continue to like xkcd is the continuous stream of trivia in it, like the Old River Control Structure on the Mississippi. And the result is that thousands of people that have lived their lives in other regions of the U.S. and know nothing about the Mississippi will look it up and learn that the river switches its route to the Gulf from time to time. What other cartoon educates as much as it amuses? Sign up to Shape the Future of Broadband in America This testing device is interesting. However, I can't imagine why folks like AT&T wouldn't just take their QoS and make all traffic out of these things high-priority. Wikileaks …

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links for 2010-05-28

Movin' Meat: Vivid language New blog I'm reading. Good stuff. "He reviewed the film on line, and advised me that if they wanted to wait, he could do it much later in the evening, or I could just do it. I'm generally game, and asked if he had any tips. 'Sure,' says he, 'you need to put her under — deeply — and basically recreate the injury. Don't be wimpy about it: you have to go medieval on her. There'll be a nasty crunch as you complete the ulnar fracture; don't worry about that. Make sure you have the parents sitting down or out of the room. But if you can bend the fracture site all the way back past …

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links for 2010-05-25

Listen To House – Hacked IRL- Culture Jamming Graffiti Hehe, interesting blog. Safe for work! Quantum teleportation achieved over 16 km So these Chinese physicists were able to communicate over 10 miles using quantum entanglement. That's pretty cool. At this rate, in a few years I can go live on Mars and you guys can still talk with me. Schneier on Security: Scene from an Airport "TSA Officer: Don't worry. No one will notice. This isn't the sort of job that rewards competence, you know."

links for 2010-05-24

I, Lobot: A Day In The Life of Lando Calrissian’s Assistant "1:45 p.m: Organize Mr. Calrissian’s sexual harassment lawsuits into one lump sum settlement." The Methane Midden: Epic Shit & Jean Pain Composting « One Straw: Be The Change My home compost pile reached seriously high temperatures recently, and this link from Lifehacker hits home for me. There are some farms in Wisconsin and Minnesota that use their manure digesters as heat and methane production sites, just like this guy is using his compost pile. Very cool.

links for 2010-05-22

Maniacal Rage A ton of funny Photoshop CS4 crash reports. Fork bomb – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Those that are not familiar, become so. Also a great way to test your limits.conf setup. AT&T to Raise Early Termination Fee for iPhone and Other Smartphones from $175 to $325 – Mac Rumors AT&T sucks. This is just buoying themselves against the Verizon iPhone threat.

links for 2010-05-21

Smoking-Fast Laptops: Seagate Momentus XT Hybrid SSD Disk Drive Confirmed! – Stephen Foskett, Pack Rat These look very promising. Now, if they'd just stick a SAS interface on them it'd be nice.

links for 2010-05-17

You’re Welcome, You Bastards Michael Arrington vs. the idiots at Fortune who apparently don't understand social media or how the web works. Steve Jobs to Valleywag at 2:20 AM: “Why are you so bitter?” | VentureBeat "By the way, what have you done that's so great? Do you create anything, or just criticize others work and belittle their motivations?" +1 for Jobs.

links for 2010-05-16

Collection : Gallery: Water tower fire on Southwest Side A water tower in Madison, WI caught fire as they were repairing it, taking out all the telco gear. Needless to say, my already terrible AT&T service has become completely non-functional. Cool to see the firefighters getting to use their ladder truck, though!