links for 2007-11-13

Cable bill supporters got 12 times more than foes Dear Wisconsin residents, these people who were supposed to represent your interested just sold you out to cable companies for $3,000 to $100,000+. Good job choosing your representatives, you idiots (mine opposed the legislation). Oracle Unveils Oracle® VM This is ridiculous. I think I’m going to create a Xen-based BobVM, and only support software on that. pac-man? that’s pac-gentleman to you on [technabob] Steampunk Pac Man, heh. The Corner on National Review Online “Now all charged up with the spirit of scientific enquiry, we of course had to put an empty Budweiser bottle on the fire. We sat there watching to see if it would melt.” – one of my favorite …

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links for 2007-11-10

Alex, Richard, Paul and Michael – Time to Change Your SSH Passwords Eat seafood responsibly with | Eric Cheng’s Journal Not having this information in a mobile format was a big drawback… now fixed. Awesome. Hollywood Writers Strike To Put Web Video On TV? This would be awesome — a friend’s band, Flame Shark, is part of the sound track. Overheard at Defrag – “I grew up in Detroit and I live in Oakland now. Where I’m from, ‘user’ is a bad word.” Classic. I want to go to Defrag next year. The Subjectivity of Wine – Daring Fireball “I’m biased, perhaps, but I don’t think you could fool beer connoisseurs similarly; there’s far less pretension in beer …

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links for 2007-11-09

12 Surprising Implications of London’s Replacing New York as the World’s Financial Center | Currency Ah, yes, the anti-foreigner, screw everybody approach that sums up our response to 9/11 is actually having consequences. The Old New Thing : Be clear with your antecedents when formulating your question Amen. Actually asking a question is something some people forget to do once they’ve rambled on for a while. Presentation Zen: Larry Lessig presents at TED: Nails it Turning a 60 minute presentation into 20 minutes is awesome. I need to do that with my VMware presentations.

links for 2007-11-06

Masked thieves storm into Chicago colocation (again!) | The Register DO NOT HOST WITH CIHOST. Yet another reason they suck. (I am a customer of theirs). CI Host – Chicago Down [MERGED] – Web Hosting Talk – The largest, most influential web hosting community on the Internet Gunpowder Plot – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Remember Remember the Fifth of November, the gunpowder treason and plot.

links for 2007-11-05

Burning Questions • Saturday Subscriber Count Drop? I know my customers would be all over me if I lost a day’s worth of data, but then again they pay me. I guess you get what you pay for. Whois May Be Retired, Says ICANN I can’t imagine a world without whois, but that said it’s a pile of crap. I hate having my private information hanging out there.

links for 2007-11-03

BC catches world record sturgeon – Sports – CKA A 3.4 meter, 360 KG sturgeon. Nice! A movement for green life after death HD DVD players hit $99 at Wal-Mart, Best Buy | Crave : The gadget blog I am now going to predict the death of Blu-ray, since most people vote with their wallets when no other compelling reason is present. Intel’s Itanium 9100 “Montvale”: Eh — Server Specs They’re still making Itaniums? Why? Eye-Fi » Home Oh, hell yeah. Automatically upload your photos when your camera is in range of your wireless access point. Buying one now… Marrying The Hatchet Offtopic, but an interesting advice column article on spousal abuse of the husband. Marrying The Hatchet – Hate …

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links for 2007-10-29

Seth’s Blog: Permeability jwz – your money is full of lies! Interpreting Apple – Vox It’s interesting that within most organizations the world-changing things start out as a single suggestion from a single individual, often in a team far away from the actual product team. Apple appears no different. — Lunar Lander Challenge Ends in Fire, Disappoinment Bad news for John Carmack’s Armadillo Aerospace. Staph infection here to stay It’s the overuse of antibacterial cleaning products and antibiotics that created this problem. Oh, and while we’re at it I’d like to see the Intelligent Design folks explain how this isn’t evolution. Was the bacteria just waiting until now to strike back? HouseFront | Your Real Estate Search and Valuation …

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links for 2007-10-28

Joyeur: NetApp versus Sun, Sun versus NetApp, and Both versus Common Sense Excellent points. I suspect both companies will lose customers and marketshare when this is all said and done. 5 Reasons Why You Should Simplify What You Say, and How to Do It “Going on and on about something may be a way to show off your cleverness. Cleverness is overrated. It’s mostly a good way to feed your own ego.” Pug Monitor Cleaner (Shockwave) ROFL. ImaginEERIEing : Magic Mirror

links for 2007-10-27

VMware Tips Void After Midnight » G.M. Weinberg’s Secrets of Consulting A field guide to iPods – The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW) Getty Images – News Blog » Blog Archive » Documenting a “Planet in Peril” 24 Hours of Leopard: AutoFS – The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW) Hot damn, probably the one feature I want out of Mac OS the most — not dying if I forget to unmount a volume before I put my girlfriend’s laptop to sleep. Mac OS X 10.5: Time Machine doesn’t back up to AirPort Disks L-A-M-E. Evidence Based Scheduling – Joel on Software Interesting stuff here, tracking how far time estimates are off to help predict a ship date. » Graphics card cracks passwords …

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