links for 2008-07-22

Cranberry juice creates energy barrier that keeps bacteria away from cells | Science Blog I like it when science proves folk medicine observations. In this case, cranberry juice vs. UTIs. Schneier on Security: Cost/Benefit Analysis of Airline Security I like looking at the ROI of things, including the ROI for all this extra security.

links for 2008-07-20

How Did I Miss This Tripe? Great rant about the freetard attack on the iPhone. Since when did getting paid for things become bad? xkcd – Impostor This cartoon reminds me of a few similar conversations I’ve had, inadvertently. The best is when they’ve asked me what my Ph.D. thesis is on. Untitled Metric #1202345227 NSFW language in the graphic, but dead on nonetheless.

links for 2008-07-17

Get A New iPhone? You’re Going To Need New Accessories, Too Now, this is lame that I need all new chargers, too. This whole iPhone 3G/2.0 thing is really annoying me now.

links for 2008-07-16

A Joining of the Tribes « fate = will && choice || circumstance “in this world of highly available, scaled and performant web applications, developers have to think about operations and admins have to think about the applications.” Been saying this for a while, that all good apps teams need a good sysadmin, too. jwz – Did you know that cable cars poop sand? Two things here. A) I’ve had to get out and push a cable car before, when the operator got it stuck going around a corner, so it jumping the track isn’t so far fetched to me. B) Most all rail systems rely on sand, it isn’t well-known though. The end of Mac clones: Apple sues Psystar …

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links for 2008-07-15 · Bugging “As a user, please be extra patient when developers tell you that they are working on a problem—it’s hard work at the moment and the time it takes to resolve an issue will be longer than with a desktop application.” Good points on debugging the iPhone Coding Horror: Smart Enough Not To Build This Website “I may not be smart enough to join Mensa, but I am smart enough not to build websites like the American Mensa website.” LOL, nice. A Joining of the Tribes « fate = will && choice || circumstance “in this world of highly available, scaled and performant web applications, developers have to think about operations and admins have to think about the …

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links for 2008-07-14

After the Yellowstone Fires | Stuck In Customs Trey Ratcliff takes some amazing HDR photos, but this is the best one I’ve seen yet. As a kid I was with my family in Yellowstone two weeks before the big fires. The destruction was/is amazing, but part of nature, of course. Our Towns – Build a Wiffle Ball Field and Lawyers Will Come – Short take: kids see overgrown city park. Kids clean it up, make it into a whiffle ball field. Neighbors get pissed off, want it shut down. My take: good for the kids, the neighbors should stop being prudes and work out a compromise. Developer blog – otto@: New Otto malloc helps spot ancient bugs A 33 …

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links for 2008-07-12

LiveBlog » Blog Archive » New iPhone App From Wybron Oh, heck yeah, a gel swatchbook on my iPhone would be great. I already have the Rosco catalog bookmarked. Day 1049: Crackdown : Maitri’s VatulBlog “Louisiana State Senator Derrick Shepherd shepherded a bill through state legislature that would criminalize saggy pants.” Yes, and when I forget my belt I look like the first example sometimes.

links for 2008-07-10

Call Me Fishmeal.: Pimp My Code, Part 15: The Greatest Bug of All Most of my troubleshooting is like this — hours and pages of data that ultimately gets fixed with a one word change. Reader Poll: Should Voicemail Die? Yes, voice mail should die. I hate it.

links for 2008-07-09

Six reasons Hyper-V will surpass VMware within 5 years — Server Virtualization Blog Articles like this drive me nuts, because they assume that one company will do nothing over the next five years and let itself get run over by Microsoft. Here’s a tip: think Linux. MS isn’t ever going to really support non-Windows OSes like VMware does. Southwest Airlines’ Seven Secrets for Success Standardization is a big key. Good lesson for sysadmins, too. — The curse of arrogance Short commentary on the attitude of people who idolize Hans Reiser, as well as many in technology that I’ve worked with. I agree with Mr. Colburn. I tell you that when civilization ends I’ll be in my tree stand watching …

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links for 2008-07-08

Virtualize This: VMware CEO Out, Stock Tanks, Big Revenue Miss – GigaOM It’s fairly common for a founder to get replaced as CEO when the company grows. And it’s obvious, especially to VMware customers, that the company has had some growing pains. EMC stock has taken a beating because of VMware. This isn’t unexpected.