links for 2008-12-11

Life Is Crap | Shop the Life Is Crap Official Store The whole "life is good" product line makes me want to scream. It was just a matter of time until someone evened it out.

links for 2008-12-09

Atlassian Developer Blog – Wiki4k Nowadays you don't see much code written to be small… a web server & wiki in under 4 KB is cool. Though it's also a testament to all the crap built into Java by default. Wikipedia Blocks British Editors Amid Censorship Flap | Threat Level from This is retarded. Obviously nobody is for child porn but most people, minus the obtuse puritan freaks at the IWF, are in favor of common sense. Makes me wonder how many years until U.S. citizens are subject to this same Big Brother crap. Unique Transparency Program Uncovers Problems with Voting Software | Threat Level from This is pretty cool. I like how they can do this, by …

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links for 2008-12-08

valhenson: A band-aid solution "I am creeped out by having a built-in video camera on my laptop. I never use it, so the only thing it's good for is being taken over by malicious spyware in order to stream video of me… So the only reliable solution is to disable it via hardware." Excellent solution. I also dislike video cameras. McSweeney's Internet Tendency: Atlas Shrugged Updated for the Current Financial Crisis. LOL. Madison Snaps — December 2, 2008 – Isthmus | The Daily Page Cool photo from north of Madison, WI.

links for 2008-12-07

Privacy Compliance 101: Why Massachusetts Data Security Standards DO Affect You Great, one more thing to worry about (though organizations should be doing these sorts of things anyhow). — The lesson I taught today "When you’re programming, the relentless pursuit of simplicity nearly always serves you well." Good advice for anybody in technology. Real Advice Hurts | 43 Folders "…the advice that’s easy to take is so rarely the advice that could really make a difference." Amen. This is why I usually ask people what they're trying to do when they ask me a question about something. Let's talk about Python 3.0 A friend of mine had expressed his discontent with Python 3.0 to me on Friday. I see …

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links for 2008-12-01

SmugBlog: Don MacAskill » Blog Archive » First 1080p video from Canon’s new 5D MkII – Amazing! I just want the 200mm f/2.0 lens he's got. Again, holy crap. Nikon unveils 24.5MP D3x digital SLR: Digital Photography Review 50 MB 14-bit RAW files… holy crap. Bentley Continental news – Continental drift – 2008 – BBC Top Gear Everybody should learn how to drive on ice, so you know how your car handles in those situations. The Old New Thing : Not my finest hour: Getting instructions on doing something I've already done I've done this before — looked for the solution to a problem I was having just to find out that I had a blog post with the answer. …

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links for 2008-11-20

Microsoft: We Promise Not To Kill McAfee, Symantec (MSFT) You know what? Just let McAfee & Symantec figure it out. You have a gaping hole in your products, MS, and you need to fix it. Everybody has known that someday you were going integrate antivirus software. Today is that day. DO IT.

links for 2008-11-19

jwz – Apple 0wns j00 This HDCP crap on laptops sucks. Nice job, Apple, making it impossible to play video on nearly every projector on Earth. Foreclosure | Stuck In Customs Great shot. The Risks Digest Volume 25: Issue 44 "In the November 2008 issue of *BoatU.S.* magazine, there's a reference to a new GPS satellite being switched on. It uses the identifier "PRN 32", which causes some […] Northstar GPS units to become confused and shut down." This smells like a fixed-sized, 32-element array. Dear programmers, stop doing that.

links for 2008-11-18

ATT-ab9791303777839bd9f2b524bc8e98b8.jpg – (37signals) "All I want in life sometimes is for AT&T to say, 'Sarah, you have accumulated so many unused minutes and texts that your next bill is free, since we realize ‘rollover’ means nothing to you. Have a nice day.' Me, too. My phone bill looks surprisingly like hers. I hate talking on the phone. jwz – parking haiku LOL. Fire hydrant – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia "Class AA hydrants (>1500gpm) should have their nozzle caps and bonnet colored light blue." I knew the new paint on the hydrant outside my house was related to flow, but I didn't realize how much. 1500 GPM is a lot. Modeling Compound | Play-Doh | Walgreens "Molded results vary depending on …

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links for 2008-11-17

Give Up and Use Tables Nice. I use tables for the limited web design I still do. CSS is nice in a lot of ways but simple is good, and tables are certainly simple.

links for 2008-10-23

Luke Kanies Wants to Modernize System Administration – O'Reilly News This is a really good interview with Luke Kanies. I agree with a lot of what he's saying. We aren't using Puppet right now, we're using all the tools he mentions as being inadequate. The next iteration of our Linux operating environments will use something like Puppet to keep everything in sync, to keep everything maintained, etc.