links for 2010-03-28

I’ve Joined Automattic NexentaStor Project DoubleCloud » VMWorld 2010: Call for Papers and Pre-registration Pwn2Own 2010: iPhone hacked, SMS database hijacked | Zero Day | “It was a real world exploit against a popular device. They exfiltrated the entire SMS database in about 20 seconds. It was as if a Web page was loading.” Looks like Apple needs to do some work on the security of their devices, including making sure that when I delete something it's really gone (the SMS database apparently keeps deleted messages, according to this article).

links for 2010-03-27

Salon fake trend article about hipsters on food stamps raises ire. "Eating is now a major moral issue in America, and whatever choice you make is wrong." Yeah, couldn't have said it better. And you know what? Eating healthy most of the time is the plan we all should be on, but life isn't worth living if you can't have the tasty-but-totally-unhealthy stuff once in a while. Like a McDonalds cheeseburger, a Taco Bell ten-pack of crunchy tacos, washed down with a can of beer, or bacon in all its salty goodness. And sure, soda is terrible for you (diet soda even more), but a root beer float once in a while isn't going to kill you. In fact, if …

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links for 2010-03-25

Ada Lovelace Day hero: Cindy Cohn – Boing Boing "Today, every purchase you make online, every ATM you use, every private email you send or receive — everything you do that has some element of privacy! — is legal because of Cindy's ability to convey nuanced technical arguments to nontechnical lawmakers." It's amazing how the right person can make such a difference. Cindy Cohn rocks. Law Enforcement Appliance Subverts SSL | Threat Level | This is not good. Basically, it comes down to: anybody can get an SSL certificate that says anything, and then you can use that for a man-in-the-middle attack. So… nothing on the Internet is secure anymore.

links for 2010-03-24

Google LatLong: It's time to bike I know this is old news, but this statement summarizes what I like the most about the new bike directions feature: "Our biking directions are based on a physical model of the amount of power your body has to exert given the slope of the road you’re biking on. Assuming typical values for mass and for wind resistance, we compute the effort you’ll require and the speed you’ll achieve while going uphill. We take this speed into account when determining the time estimate for your journey, and we also try hard to avoid routes that will require an unreasonable degree of exertion." Indeed, Google Maps shows 17 minutes from home to work on bicycle, …

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links for 2010-02-14

112 Eatery Just made an awesome sandwich: breakfast sausage patty fried until it's golden brown, slice of cheese, and a little bit of Sriracha sauce on a whole wheat English muffin. Hat tip to 112 Eatery in Minneapolis, though — they have a bacon, egg, and harissa sandwich that's awesome, and if I had bacon or [good] eggs on hand I might have tried for that. The spicy thing is the knockout punch, though. If you're in Minneapolis I recommend that place. Was there with a bunch of friends the first time and we ordered just about one of everything and split them all. MMMM.

links for 2010-02-13

John's Deal of the Day: Deal of the Day – 2/13/10 "EA is giving away Command & Conquer games to celebrate the release of Command & Conquer 4. You can download any or all of these three games…" I played C&C a long time ago, downloading them right now to relive my youth! 🙂

links for 2010-02-12

Prius owners blame wild rides on cruise control – I think CNN interviewed a bunch of people who have no idea how their car works. For instance: "The car came to a stop on the shoulder of the road. An overwhelming battery smell wafted through the inside of the car, he said." That'd be a brake smell… Or: "When the car stopped, the two front brakes 'had a red glow to them,' he said." Yeah, stop rapidly any time and your brakes may glow. Friction causes heat. Or: "He frantically pushed the power button. It didn't respond." If you'd read your manual you'd find out that you need to push and HOLD it for three seconds, and that's intentional …

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links for 2010-02-02

Project SIKULI "Sikuli is a visual technology to search and automate graphical user interfaces (GUI) using images (screenshots)." Interesting stuff, basically reimplementing Expect for GUIs.

links for 2010-01-29

HURT FEELINGS REPORT "To assist whiners in documenting hurt feelings, and to provide leaders with a list of soldiers who require additional counseling, NCO leadership, and extra duty.."