iCal for Conference Schedules

Dear Conference Organizers, When you put a conference together please release an iCal file of all the sessions. Lots of people attending conferences have PDAs, and they can import the schedule into their PDAs so they don’t have to carry a schedule around. It also makes it easier to cross-reference the sessions if the schedule is sorted by something other than time (track, topic, etc.). Thanks!

Grey's Law

Daring Fireball featured a great quote last Sunday, Grey’s Law: “Any sufficiently advanced incompetence is indistinguishable from malice.” Interestingly enough, nobody knows who “Grey” was.

links for 2007-12-08

Airbag – Fail. “After six years big business still has no idea what do with this blog thing.” – via Daring Fireball.

ESX 3.5, VC 2.5 Not Actually Out Yet

It looks like VMware ESX Server 3.5 and VirtualCenter 2.5 aren’t actually out. Those links floating around look like a GA, but until they show up on the actual download page I wouldn’t use them for much. Someone purporting to be a program manager has commented in the forum thread: “I can tell you that what is posted is NOT the final bits so please do not download.” Likewise, someone posted an email snippet from VMware: “This delay from our previous communication is the result of a critical quality issue that is necessary to resolve for the release.” I’ve been in this game long enough that when I see a release date get pushed back suddenly I know it’s a …

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Fun with ipcrm

Speaking of screwing up, I was reminiscing about some of the other screwups I’ve made. We were having trouble with a server that appeared to have a memory leak. The major application on it was an Oracle database, and I had been reading something about ipcs and ipcrm and how you should check for orphaned shared memory segments and delete them. Sounds dumb now but at the time it seemed compelling. Not wanting to do anything rash, I checked AIX’s man page for ipcrm, which indicated that ipcrm run with certain flags wouldn’t delete a memory allocation that was still in use. Cool. I ran the command, and it did nothing. I just figured it was a dead end. What …

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links for 2007-12-07

The Daily Coyote Raising a coyote… interesting. May I take your order? OMFG, ROFL (via Jeremy Zawodny) Seth’s Blog: Ham for Channukah ROFL, oops. MW-Blog » Blog Archive » TOR exit-node doing MITM attacks Yeah, the TOR network is not safe at all. Dynamite that prompted evacuation was fake I’m glad they evacuated a square mile of people. I mean, the explosion would have taken out a city block, tops…

You Know It Is Going To Be A Good Day When…

You know it’s going to be a good day when you spend 30 minutes debugging a problem which ultimately ends up being a one character typo, an extra ‘p’, in /etc/exports: /export/rippper *(ro) That’s something you just don’t see unless you’re really looking for it. My best screwup yet[0] was a few years back. I’d reported a problem with compiling Python on AIX 4.3.3. The Python guys got back to me and told me that they didn’t have AIX boxes, so if it was going to get fixed I had to do it. So I set about changing the autoconf/configure scripts to do the right thing. I had two terminal windows open, one where I was editing, one where I …

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Anatomy Of a Saturday On Call

10:30 AM: Blizzard begins. 12:45 PM: Receive call from NOC. Two virtual machines down. Am at a hockey game but a coworker investigates. 3:30 PM: Coworker calls me back, informs me that VMware environments have crashed. Since they just don’t do that I posit that a storage issue is occurring. Coworker is a storage administrator, he investigates. 3:45 PM: It is determined that two RAID groups are offline in one of our EMC CX3-80s. I am driving around in my full-time 4WD Jeep, decide to go to work to spare others from having to do it. 5:00 PM: Storage vendor technician tells me that they are trying to get replacement parts which are on the other side of town. ETA …

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links for 2007-12-04

Beta blocker – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia “…there is increasing evidence that the most frequently used beta-blockers especially in combination with thiazide-type diuretics carry an unacceptable risk of provoking type 2 diabetes.” To me that says stay off all drugs because nobody knows quite wha