ESX 3.5, VC 2.5 Not Actually Out Yet

It looks like VMware ESX Server 3.5 and VirtualCenter 2.5 aren’t actually out. Those links floating around look like a GA, but until they show up on the actual download page I wouldn’t use them for much. Someone purporting to be a program manager has commented in the forum thread:

“I can tell you that what is posted is NOT the final bits so please do not download.”

Likewise, someone posted an email snippet from VMware:

“This delay from our previous communication is the result of a critical quality issue that is necessary to resolve for the release.”

I’ve been in this game long enough that when I see a release date get pushed back suddenly I know it’s a critical problem getting fixed, even without being told. I’ve waited this long for it, I can wait until next week. 🙂 Besides, at this point I won’t even think about the upgrade until after the holidays.

I do think VMware should take anything that isn’t release quality off their web site, though.