links for 2008-01-02

“Bill Stickers Will Be Prosecuted” LOL, I love graffiti like this. ZSFA — Rails Is A Ghetto (2007-12-31) “I’ve more or less kept my mouth shut about some of the dumb and plain evil stuff that goes on in the Rails community. As things would happen though I’d take notes, collect logs, and started writing this little essay.”

The Future Is Called 'Perhaps'

“The future is called ‘perhaps,’ which is the only possible thing to call the future. And the important thing is not to allow that to scare you.” – Tennessee Williams

Distributed Power Management Seems Cool, but…

Distributed Power Management, the new experimental feature in VMware VI 3.5, seems like a cool idea[0], but it occurs to me that my NOC guys aren’t really going to like the idea of switch ports changing state as machines go to sleep. The current line of thinking is that a port changing state without an entry in our change control system indicates a problem. Hmmm. I foresee an interesting conversation with them in my future. [0] Really, no pun intended. Ha!

links for 2007-12-31 · Don’t feed the raccoons “There is some good to come out of all of this: I’m reminded that for every idiot on the Internet, there are hundreds of individuals that are kind and supportive.” The DEATH Test – Online Dating Test Well, I’m going to live until 2049. w00t. Ross Mayfield’s Weblog: My Dinner with Andrus “Every Estonian eID holder (around 80% of Estonian population) has an unique OpenID with the format[firstname].[lastname](.number) Example:” Freaking cool. Why can’t the US figure this out?

links for 2007-12-30

Could Tech Support Undo Palm? A tech support person told this guy that she was the CEO of Palm, refusing to transfer him to her manager. Heh. I’ve never been impressed by Palm, and with the iPhone raising the bar I don’t see Palm being relevant for much longer.

Comments Fixed, Oops

I updated a few things around the blog the other day (plugins, etc.) and inadvertently overwrote my theme’s single.php with index.php. My apologies to anyone trying to comment, it wasn’t intentional. It’s fixed now. Feel free to tell me to watch what I’m doing. 🙂

Apparently Computer Guys Don't Dress Up

I work in a very relaxed environment. I normally appear at work in jeans, a button-down shirt, and more often than not a Widespread Panic ballcap[0]. Go beyond that with a corduroy blazer, dress pants, and a tie[1], and you hear: “Job interview? With us?” “Hey, I didn’t know you aren’t bald.” “Can I ask if your court appearance was anything serious?” “Hey, unclip your tie for a second, we spilled something.” “Are you trying to be the PC guy from those Mac commercials?” “How long is your mom in town? Will she come over and dress me, too?” “I didn’t know they made Garanimals that big.” And these are people I consider my friends. [0] I love wearing a …

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links for 2007-12-27

The Old New Thing : Microthink: If you can’t measure it, then it doesn’t exist “Using a survey to measure the impact of a blog entry is like having somebody fill out a survey after you give them a ride home because you want to determine the impact that one action had on how nice a person they think you are. “ Althouse: A tiger escaped from its enclosure and roamed around the San Francisco Zoo preying on human beings. Great quote at the end, from The Life of Pi, talking about why an animal chooses to escape: “Animals that escape go from the known to the unknown–and if there is one thing an animal hates above all else, it …

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With a Change Like That Why Would I Use Google Docs?

I’ve been reading the discussion surrounding Google’s move to make everything you’ve shared in Google Reader shared to your Google Talk contact list. A couple of observations: A) There wasn’t any notice in the application. I didn’t know this happened until I saw it linked from Daring Fireball. After the fact I went to the home page for Reader and noted a post about “Reader and Talk are Friends!” That isn’t notification, in my book, especially since people like myself who go straight to our new items won’t see it. B) They should have added features to enable the sharing, if people want it, and not just change the product to do something different. Sure, there wasn’t anything that said …

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