Why My Two vCPU VM is Slow

Sometimes computers are counterintuitive. One great case continues to be why a virtual machine with two vCPUs runs more slowly than a virtual machine with one vCPU. Think of virtualization like a movie. A movie is a series of individual frames, but played back the motion looks continuous. It’s the same way with virtual machines. A physical CPU can only run one thing at a time, which means that only one virtual machine can run at a time. So the hypervisor “shares” a CPU by cutting up the CPU time into chunks. Each virtual machine gets a certain chunk to do its thing, and if it gets chunks of CPU often enough it’s like the movie: it seems like the …

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links for 2008-04-22

ISPs’ Error Page Ads Let Hackers Hijack Entire Web, Researcher Discloses | Threat Level from Wired.com A) ISPs are evil, and this error page hijacking crap needs to stop. B) The guy in the photo is wearing a Threadless t-shirt, one of my favorites. 🙂

Obama's Gun Gaffe, or Rural vs. City Folks

Undoubtedly you’ve heard Obama’s closed-door fundraiser remarks about small town folks being bitter people who cling to guns and religion. The thing that I never hear mentioned, though, is the rift between big city folks and small town folks. Obama’s comments are just a symptom of a problem: big city folks don’t don’t understand small town people, they don’t care how they think, and they write them off as hicks. And small town folks basically do the same to the big city people. Now Clinton and McCain are talking about how his words are so condescending, etc. etc. They aren’t any better, though. Most of their money comes from the big city folks, and when it comes right down to …

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links for 2008-04-15

Doomsday fears spark lawsuit – Cosmic Log – msnbc.com The only supernova that’s gonna happen is a bunch of scientists heads exploding because of these morons. People are idiots, and apparently have forgotten where our technology comes from. Maybe we should go back to banging rocks together. The Rather Difficult Font Game They show you a font and you say which one it is… I got 19 of 34, which isn’t too bad.

VMware Builds, Update 1 Problems, Details, etc.

Hmm, just read a post over at virtualization.info about how the latest VMware VirtualCenter build numbers don’t match the web site. I guess I didn’t notice that the web site says build 84782 but my client reports 84767. Yet another detail that didn’t get attended to. It’s always the details that make life miserable. I was talking to another VMware customer the other day who was telling me that they were waiting for Update 1 to come out before they migrated from VI 3.0. At the time I thought that was prudent, but with reports of Update 1 problems on top of this build issue I’d advise anybody running a stable VI 3.0 environment just to stay there.

Sun & Google are as Bad as Apple

The ever-annoying, ever-moronic[0] Java Updater popped up today and prompted me to update. I indulged it, figuring there was probably some new gaping security hole again. What did I find as I proceeded? It wanted to install the Google Toolbar. Did I have the Google Toolbar already installed? No. So why is the default action to install it, unless I opt out? Apple’s taken some heat lately for their decision to push Safari to anybody who runs their Apple Software Update utility. I didn’t want Safari, but unless I opt out of it I’ll get it. Now Sun and Google are doing the same thing with the Google Toolbar. Users know that if they don’t update their software they’ll get …

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links for 2008-04-14

On the Precipice: The Real Truth About Barack Obama! Interesting stuff, and I think a big list like this is a great way to combat all the misinformation out there. The Fishbowl: When life approximates xckd… Nice. Someone Rickrolled my voicemail yesterday morning… Thanks… Persistent Storage for Amazon EC2 – All Things Distributed Now this is pretty darn cool. Utility computing indeed, and one-upping Google.

ESX 3.5 & VC 2.5 Update 1 Applied

I made time to apply VMware VirtualCenter 2.5 Update 1 to my test environment. Worked great but it did require a reboot of the VC host at the end. Older VC clients seem to connect just fine to the newer server software, but I upgraded mine anyhow just out of habit. Once that was done I used Update Manager to apply the ESX 3.5 Update 1 patches to my test ESX hosts. The process seems to be getting smoother, as it successfully moved through my test cluster and patched everything. Took a while but it was fire & forget. Overall, looks good so far.

Dell SUU 5.4.0 and ESX 3.x – Update

I’ve have a couple of updates for my post about Dell’s SUU 5.4.0 and ESX 3.5. First, “suu -c” will tell you what the updates you need are, but “suu -u” won’t actually apply them. Instead you get an error. While you might think “that sucks!” it’s actually fine, because… It looks like some Dell updates for older servers cannot be applied to a system that’s been up & operational for a long time without a reboot. For me, BIOS updates would complain about not enough contiguous RAM, and RAID controller updates caused ESX to panic with a pink debugger screen of death. A reboot prior to the firmware updates appears to prevent problems. My test environment is two Dell …

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links for 2008-04-11

Schneier on Security: Overestimating Threats Against Children If you haven’t heard about the lady who let her 9 year old ride the subway alone, well, this is a good wrap-up. Personally, I say good for her and her kid. So many kids get locked up because of a parent’s completely irrational fears. Avi Kivity’s blog: Paravirtualization is dead “Well, not all paravirtualization. I/O device virtualization is certainly the best way to get good I/O performance out of virtual machines, and paravirtualized clocks are still necessary to avoid clock-drift issues.” Awesome to see this stuff. IBM smacks rivals with 5.0GHz Power6 beast | The Register 32 dual-core 5 GHz CPUs, 4 TB of RAM, I bet it’d rock at SETI@Home. Biggest …

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