Average IQ

The average IQ score of the person who put this ad on Facebook is 22: I’ll leave all the additional comments about the typo as an exercise for the readers.

Grandma & Grandpa

In this day and age the big bad wolf apparently just has to use Google: If you search on  “Lewon, Madison, WI” in Google Maps you get to see Ben’s bookmarks. No idea who Ben is, but I know where his grandparents live.

Windows 7 Beta and VI Client

I thought I’d really be pushing my luck, but it appears that the VMware Virtual Infrastructure Client (Build 119598) runs fine on the 64-bit Windows 7 beta (Build 7000). I only have the basic client and the Update Manager plugins installed, but both appear to work. I’ve done a solid 15 minutes of testing so far, so YMMV. 🙂 It’s probably also worth mentioning that my test Windows 7 host is a VM in my VI 3.5 U3 cluster. Seems to work — the VM is set to Windows Server 2008, and the VMware Tools seem to work fine. I didn’t install the Shared Folders functionality. It sure is nice to take snapshots along the way as I install more …

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links for 2009-01-13

Ideal conference badge OMFG yes, put people's names on BOTH FREAKING SIDES OF THE CONFERENCE BADGE. I hate it when people have turned-around name tags. I usually put a second name tag on the back of mine, but then again I'm an attention whore like that. Opti-2 "Opti-2 is a specialized two-cycle, single mix ratio lubricant engineered for use in all two-cycle engines, regardless of brand, model, or mix ratio." Mixed per gallon, and includes fuel stabilizer. Going to get some of this tonight for my stuff. Authorities: Fake-emergency pilot under securities probe – CNN.com A) This guy wasted a lot of people's time looking for him. B) He apparently didn't know that air traffic control would dispatch military jets …

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Quit Solving Problems That Don't Exist

It seems to me like a lot of time, effort, and money is spent on what-if scenarios. I am always amazed at how much drama and complexity people create for themselves. Some examples from my life, with the answers I usually give: Q: What if a customer wants to do something that we don’t want them to do? A: Simple: don’t let them. You could also write them a note about why you don’t want them to do that (risks, not much financial sense, etc.) and let them do whatever they want. You can’t babysit everybody, and as long as their bad decision isn’t going to take you out with them you’re fine. Q: What if we decide later to …

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links for 2009-01-12

Weekend Project: Reduce Your Bills by Just Asking "Your tone is critical. Most of the people you will talk to spend all day dealing with irrational and irate customers. Soft spoken curiosity about the negotiable nature of the current price will be met with a much more pleasant response than hostility and complaints about how #*$&%@! expensive everything is." This is the single best point in this article, and it works almost globally. With customer service folks getting mad is rarely going to advance your cause. People Find "How-To" Videos Boring Yeah, because they never get to the point. I usually need one specific piece of information and I don't want to watch someone yammer on and on.

links for 2009-01-07

Drm: Removing DRM from an iTunes Purchase Costs 30 Cents Amen. I suspect this is Apple staving off some lawsuits, but I'm still a fan.

They Make Me Feel Fancy

“Even though I’m a man, I don’t like beer. I prefer appletinis. They make me feel fancy.” – J.D., on Scrubs. Boy I’m glad Scrubs is back.

links for 2009-01-03

Free Endangered Species Ringtones – Center for Biological Diversity This is cool — my ringtone has been green tree frogs for a long time, because nobody else has a ring like that. I'll have to check some of these out. (tags: ringtones)

links for 2009-01-02

Obama Spotted In Hawaii With iPod! (AAPL) Like, OMG! Obama listens to music! In all seriousness, I've been thinking a lot about him having to give up his Blackberry. Sure, the Presidential Records Act means the correspondence is official record, but I'd think he could figure out a way to make it work. I'd hate to have to transition from getting lots of information directly to having it all filtered and processed, but perhaps it's just an occupational hazard. Moderate Drinking Can Reduce Risks Of Alzheimer's Dementia And Cognitive Decline | Science Blog "Moderate drinkers often have lower risks of Alzheimer's disease and other cognitive loss, according to researchers who reviewed 44 studies." More proof that a little booze here …

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