links for 2006-03-20

TechCrunch ยป See What Your Website Visitors Are Doing With Crazy Egg (tags: software stats web) Feingold Seeks Senate Censure of Bush I like Feingold. Heck, I voted for him. He’s the only senator I know that is genuine. It’ll be interesting to watch what happens as he gets closer to a presidency campaign. (tags: politics feingold bush)

Observe the Sons of Ulster Marching Towards the Somme

The Strollers production of Frank McGuinness’ “Observe the Sons of Ulster Marching Towards the Somme” opened last Thursday. Two seats shy of sold out. I remembered to look for reviews today, and I found Michael James writing about it in the Capital Times. Two comments from me: 1. Mr. James, I think you missed part two, where all the soldiers were meeting each other. 2. It’s just a little cigarette smoke, not mustard gas. For those of you not in the Madison area, Madison banned smoking in bars last year, and since then it’s been an inquisition against anybody who smokes. I like smoking cigars, so I fall in this category. Did you know that the mere sight of smoke …

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links for 2006-03-19

3rd Annual Nigerian EMail Conference (tags: humor) Blogger Buzz: With Apologies to Mike Judge… My favorite has been tying a chain between a piece of hardware and my trailer hitch… (tags: humor blogger)’s Valentine Index Evaluation Form I know this late. I just found it. (tags: humor) Structurae [en]: National Swimming Center: Images (tags: design architecture) Flickr: The Tropolism Pool (tags: flickr tropolism photography) GBAT (Guy’s Bozofication Aptitude Test) – A Service of Electric Pulp (tags: business) The 48 Laws of Power (tags: business strategy power politics) Red Hat Enterprise Linux Tuning Guide (tags: performance linux redhat tuning) Tuning Red Hat Enterprise Linux on IBM xSeries servers (tags: ibm linux performance tuning sysadmin) Inspirational Linux Posters (tags: humor linux …

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Sucking Down

Guy Kawasaki just blogged about “Sucking Down.” My friends and I have always referred to it as the “high friends in low places” theory. The most productive relationships you can have are often with the people at the bottom of the totem pole. There are two things that I do along these lines that usually get me whatever it is I need. First, making the other person smile is killer. Even if you can’t make them smile, taking 10 seconds at the beginning of a conversation to ensure that they don’t think you’re another bozo is key. I often do it with self-deprecation. Apparently no real bozos ever admit to being a bozo, so I just claim that I suck: …

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Omea: Day One

So I’ve spent more time playing with Omea. I love some of the details, like the setting to mark an item read once it’s been displayed for 2 seconds. I don’t know how many times I’ll errantly click something, or scroll through, and not having things marked as “read” is nice. The use of favicon.ico is nice, too — it helps me visually sort the blogs. Plus the app looks nice. Vyacheslav Lukianov from JetBrains posted a comment here yesterday, which I think is really cool. It’s now obvious to me that they’re watching to see what people think of Omea, so I thought it fair to follow up with my impressions after the first 24 hours. I was going …

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links for 2006-03-18

Omea Reader: Free RSS Reader, Atom Feed Reader, Newsgroup Reader, Web page Bookmark manager, and desktop search tool (tags: software tools web rss reader) Treo 700p Spotted, Likely May/June Release BookCrossing – Home – FREE YOUR BOOKS! (tags: books community sharing bookcrossing book reading free) Blick Communications – Products & Services – Nursecall – WanderGuard A friend was telling me about this system, in place where she works to keep the demented old folks from wandering off. (tags: security lojack) Global Pet Finder – Find Lost Pets Fast! (tags: business pets lojack security) PowerSquid.NET by Flexity, LLC – Home of the PowerSquid Surge Protector. The powerstrip EVOLVED! I’ve been hording the Dell two- and three-headed power cables for years. This …

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Use Freakin' DVDs (and IBM doesn't get it)

Dear all OS vendors: Provide DVD images. Seriously. Everybody you care about has a DVD burner. Everything has a DVD drive. Well, almost everything. Some older equipment might not, so yeah, you’ll have to keep the CD ISOs around. But I hate burning five discs when I could just burn one DVD. I hate keeping track of five discs when I could just keep track of one DVD. If customers don’t have a DVD drive, suggest that they spend $25 and get one. Now, if you’re one of the vendors that doesn’t even provide ISOs to your customers, CD or DVD, here’s my message: die, die, die. Take IBM, for example. IBM, technology giant, hasn’t figured out that letting customers …

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RSS Bandit vs. Omea

My RSS feed reading has waned recently, half due to time, half due to the BS I have had to put up with in RSS Bandit. Basically, all the FeedBurner feeds get mixed up constantly, and it’s really freaking annoying. And it’s being pawned off as some problem with proxies and such, all of which I’m not subject to. It also doesn’t retry a feed when there is an error, so if I don’t check it I might not retrieve news for a while if there was a problem with a feed. A colleague of mine just switched to JetBrains Omea, and after looking at it for about a minute I grabbed it myself. I think it’s going to be …

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Revenge of the Developer

Ah, the developer from yesterday was back today. It started with a harmless IM message: “Are you busy? Could you come over to my office to talk to my manager and I?” Today’s gonna suck, might as well make it bad right away. “Well, we’ve decided we can make this application cluster-able. We’ll use an Oracle database hosted by the DBA group instead of a local MySQL database.” “Oh, I didn’t know you needed a database. Okay, Oracle is fine — we preload the clients on our Linux hosts anyhow. Are they going to cluster the database for you?” “Cluster the database?” “Yeah. Make it highly-available. You told me that this application needed zero downtime. Databases need patching, too. In …

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I was talking this morning with a developer about hosting their application. This application was developed on a desktop Linux box, and the developer’s boss liked it, and now they want it to run in production. I’m cool with that. Some of the best ideas we have came out of people poking around on their own. When I’m approached about hosting an application, one of the questions I always ask is “Tell me who the audience is for this?” The developer responded with “Oh, it could be the whole world.” “The whole world?” “Yeah. We need to make sure that this is running on hardware that can handle the load. This is going to get really popular.” Yeah. Um… yeah. …

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