links for 2006-05-10

Counting Queries: PostgreSQL SQL Analysis (tags: sysadmin database tuning postgresql) Performance Tuning PostgreSQL (tags: database performance postgresql sysadmin)


I love finding a photo I recognize in Flickr. It’s especially odd when it shows up in my Yahoo! Widgets Picture Frame. In this case it’s the UW – Madison’s Memorial Union Terrace, in the fall, when they have all the tables bunched together. Nice shot, Daryl M. Todd Klassy has some great Wisconsin photos, too.

links for 2006-05-04

CERIAS Weblogs » Security Myths and Passwords (tags: password security sysadmin) PBS | I, Cringely . April 20, 2006 – Native Speaker (tags: business technology virtualization cringely) The Sect of Homokaasu – The Rasterbator (tags: photography design photo)

Small Town Music Rethought

After yesterday’s little rant about small town music purchasing options, I’ve been thinking about it more. Actually, I thought about it a lot as I drove the rest of the way home, and realized three things: 1. Online music stores, like iTMS,, etc. probably do a lot of business with residents of small towns, which obviates any need for better music selections locally. 2. Because of point #1, local businesses never learn what people like because people don’t ask for it. So while it looks like everybody listens to Dokken’s Greatest Hits and country music, that’s only because the person ordering the music has no idea what to order. Since people are passive-aggressive and have low self-esteem they don’t …

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This appeared in PostSecret‘s last posting. I love reading PostSecret. A lot of them are depressing, but lots are inspiring, and some funny ones, too. Like the recent one about Cassius the dog. “It is, I think, that we are all so alone in what lies deepest in our souls, so unable to find the words, and perhaps the courage to speak with unlocked hearts, that we don’t know at all that it is the same with others.” – from “A Severe Mercy” by Sheldon VanAuken

F'in Small Towns

I am sitting in the parking lot of a motel in Tomah, WI, downloading Daft Punk from iTMS, poaching wireless, because Wal*Mart (yeah, yeah, I know, I’m desperate) had twenty copies of Dokken’s greatest hits but not Daft Punk’s “Homework.” Or any Daft Punk. Daft Punk? Who are they? No Target, no Best Buy, no music store in sight. Where in hell do these folks get their music? And why is it all f’in country and Christian? I mean, I like some Christian rock, but it takes so little effort to see a little bit more in life. God forbid you might like it. WTF. And there was no freakin’ way I was gonna get the new Tool album from …

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I’m finally back in the midwest from my adventures at Coachella and in San Diego. I’m not quite home yet, but that’s just a matter of driving a couple hours. Coachella itself was the bomb. I had no idea what to expect going out there, but the likes of Imogen heap, Sigur Ros, Wolfmother, Franz Ferdinand, Depeche Mode, Atmosphere, and Daft Punk made it worth it. OMFG, Daft Punk. Five acres of jumping, screaming people under a huge light show. Now that was a treat, and only the first day. Gabriel & Dresden, Paul Oakenfold, Editors, Madonna, Massive Attack, and Tool on the second day, not to mention all the other bands that I listened to in passing. Tool was …

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links for 2006-04-29

Puppet — Reductive Labs Development (tags: management linux) Bcfg2 – Trac (tags: management sysadmin) Edgewall Software: Trac (tags: management software)