One of Those Evenings

Honey: “Garth, would you like to have dinner one night?” Garth: “Oh, I like to have dinner every night.” Garth: “Yes, I have a question. When did you turn into a nutbar?” And the summary of my social life: Honey: “Take me, Garth!” Garth: “Where? I’m low on gas and you need a jacket.”

Print Nazis

“Hey man,” began the instant message. “Have you ever done Windows print queues using Samba?” “Sure, a long time ago,” I say. “Did it work?” “It worked fine the five or six times I printed to it. And three of those were probably test pages. I was messing around. Why?” “I set up a Linux print server a week ago and it’s not working right. People print big jobs and it stalls, or people can’t print to it. All sorts of weird shit going on.” I’ve seen my friend’s setup. He has HP printers with JetDirect cards. “Why don’t you just print straight to the printers with TCP/IP and skip all the BS?” “We wanted to start using Linux more …

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links for 2006-07-09

Lensbabies >>> Selective Focus SLR camera lenses (tags: photography camera lens photo) » HOW TO USE A CELLPHONE WITHOUT LOOKING LIKE AN ASSHOLE Amen. (tags: funny phone etiquette)

Tags Suck

I’ve been thinking about tags & tagging a lot lately. In particular, I’m trying to figure out why I don’t like them. I think it’s because I can never remember how I tagged something. If I find a recipe for hard-boiled eggs on the web I’ll put it in, but when I go to find it again I can’t. What tags did I use? Did I use “food” or “recipe” or “eggs” or “hardboiledeggs” — I have things filed under all three categories. By the time I get done looking in all three places for it I could have just searched for and found it again in Google. Of course, then there’s the “tagging beta” that Slashdot did. They …

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links for 2006-07-02

sourcherryfarm / ‘The Best Chicken I’ve Had In 20 Years.’ (tags: food grilling) Moving Right Along: Mini Stair Descent Tutorial, Illustrated I found this while Googling for something else. This tutorial is great, especially the obstacle avoidance. Mirror box relieves phantom limb pain? – Amputee Forum Phantom limb pain NOVA Online | Secrets of the Mind | From Ramachandran’s Notebook (5) Handy to know. | MetaFilter The Vision Thing: Mainly in the Brain – – science news articles online technology magazine articles The Vision Thing: Mainly in the Brain

Time Flies

Ah, July. Sorry folks, I kinda took it easy during June. Lots of stuff was going on in my life, some bad stuff, some good stuff, a doctor figured out my knee, vacations, and a whole lot of baseball, at least for me. I can’t really compete with people who go to every Brewers home game, for instance, but three separate MLB parks in eight days is my record. And I only had one hot dog, and one beer. Weird month, that June. It was refreshing to step back from the technology for a little bit and recharge. It was also nice to have my left knee back, at least temporarily, from my patellar tendinitis. It’s funny to walk normally …

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