Time Flies

Ah, July. Sorry folks, I kinda took it easy during June. Lots of stuff was going on in my life, some bad stuff, some good stuff, a doctor figured out my knee, vacations, and a whole lot of baseball, at least for me. I can’t really compete with people who go to every Brewers home game, for instance, but three separate MLB parks in eight days is my record. And I only had one hot dog, and one beer. Weird month, that June. It was refreshing to step back from the technology for a little bit and recharge.

It was also nice to have my left knee back, at least temporarily, from my patellar tendinitis. It’s funny to walk normally again, to the point that I am sore from it. My body adjusted to the limping, and having to switch back is tough, but welcome. It is also exceptionally odd for me to be excited to play softball, too. I love playing, but I just couldn’t, so Wednesday’s almost-game was a real treat for me. You can read about our games over at thevee.net, as my friend Mark does a wonderful job capturing the spirit of the games. Even if the details are a little skewed. 🙂