links for 2007-04-03

Clublife: Beatings A perfect example of why I like reading this particular blog. A) Advice you won’t get from any other blogger, ever. B) Advice many people should heed. C) Advice that’s dead on. Sometimes people just need a beatdown. A Meat Cake OMFG, a cake of meat! ThinkGeek :: The ThinkGeek 8-bit Tie Oh, hell yes. 10 Groaners | Sweet, now I have a new joke or two to tell. SmugBlog: Don MacAskill » Blog Archive » The Enterprise Linux problem Daring Fireball: LogoMaid Rips Off Dan Cederholm’s SimpleBits Logo, and Then Things Get Weird I hate crap like this (the ripping off part, not Daring Fireball). FSI Releases Spiekermann’s FF Mt | Typographica Wallet made from a …

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The 21st Century is Almost as Bad as the 20th

Okay, I got my Cingular phone problem figured out in two phone calls, with the help of three nice ladies and a really ornery *&@#^, who didn’t really help but just told me I couldn’t do what I had just done (which was get transferred to their “Porting” department to get my phone number fixed). No, really. I can. So to those of you in the Cingular Number Porting group: you rule. Thanks for starting me over from scratch and getting it figured out. To that lady that I was getting upset with: you suck. Bite me.

Joining the 21st Century

Update: I retract what I said, I have some weird number, and now can’t make or receive calls. Grrr. Ah, I just got my new phone from Cingular. It’s been 4 years since I’ve had a new phone, which is way too long. Mad props to LG, though, as the VX6000 I’ve had has been mostly rock-solid that whole time. Original battery, too (I regularly let the battery discharge completely, through forgetfulness). I didn’t want a RAZR, because everybody has RAZRs, but I also didn’t want a $80 data plan. You know, I just need a good phone. So I ended up with the RAZR 3xx, which has HSPDA/3G capabilities, and was $40. Maybe I’ll try the data services on …

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Thank You, Mr. Carneal

I will miss Herb Carneal’s voice as the announcer of the Minnesota Twins. He passed away yesterday at 83. I have fond memories of a sunny fall day in Saint Paul as a kid, listening to the 1987 World Series on the radio, his voice echoing the game as I sat at my mother’s sewing desk assembling a collection of leaves & tree descriptions for a Boy Scout project. I can see the whole thing perfectly, feel the warm sun and light breeze through the windows, smell the leaves and the Elmer’s Glue, hear his voice on the radio. I love autumn more than any other season, and Twins baseball was a big reason why. I hope wherever you are, …

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links for 2007-03-31

Cool Tool: APC Universal Notebook Battery Hot damn, gotta get me one of these. Stripe Generator – diagonal stripes background tiles web 2.0 webdesign xkcd – A webcomic of romance, sarcasm, math, and language – By Randall Munroe » Blog Archive » 15 Javascript Snippets You Can’t Live Without MySQL User Defined Functions for FNV (Fowler/Noll/Vo) Hash (Michael J. Radwin’s blog)

For Best Results Add Virtualization Slowly

Alex over at Virtual Infrastructure 411 linked to an interesting study done by CA which indicates that 44% of server virtualization deployments were failures. This is interesting to me, and timely, too. Today I spoke to another organization with a failing virtualization project, the third so far. The first group that I spoke with was just overwhelmed. They’d gone in head-first, buying blades, storage, everything. They had no experience with any of the gear and were drowning in it, while their managers were just seeing expenses but no savings and freaking out about it. The three IT guys were already way too busy and could not make time to figure any of the new gear out, much less become experts …

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links for 2007-03-30

DRBD – Distributed Replicated Block Device ~jk MySQL Proxy logwatcher: restart Apache after a segmentation fault | – Drupal Development, Customization and Consulting Iometer project Coding Horror: Creating User Friendly 404 Pages Fontifier – Your own handwriting on your computer! THE CHUCK NORRIS FACTS – TOP 100 CHUCK NORRIS JOKES Your Identity Has Been Stolen: a 24-Point Recovery Checklist ScienceDaily: Bonuses Boost Performance 10 Times More Than Merit Raises Nick Bradbury: Holy Rush (tags: funny)

Watching IT All Fall Apart

“It’s like leaving a book in a pail of water for five years, then trying to get it out in one piece.” – my friend Kevin Kettner, speaking with me about how some organizations ignore their IT infrastructure so completely that when they finally need to do something with it they find they have to redo it all. Also see “tip of the iceberg” and “yak shaving.”

links for 2007-03-29

Stop web sites from resizing Firefox windows – Lifehacker Welcome to Desktopography | Exhibition III (2007)| Natural Desktop Aesthetics Wire Bin Composter