links for 2007-07-30

Let the iPhone class-action lawsuits begin – The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW) Okay, so you know the battery can only be charged 300 times. If you don’t like that DON’T BUY IT. Paul Soglin: Waxing America: Weekend bicycling report: Changes in Farmer’s Market, Square for August 4 “AOS researchers believe that mammals consume fewer calories and emit fewer gases if they move in a clockwise rather than a counterclockwise direction when in the Northern Hemisphere.”

/bin/sh on iPhone

The Unofficial Apple Weblog posts a story about the iPhone running /bin/sh when it crashes. Of course, there isn’t a keyboard so you end up doing a restore. Since the iPhone didn’t ship with /bin/sh anyhow, couldn’t you put a script in its place to reboot your phone by calling init or shutdown? Or put something in your .bashrc to sleep for five minutes and then reboot? Just a thought.

Happy System Administrator Day!

To all those system administrators that have come before me, who have shared their wisdom with me personally or through books, articles, blogs, forum and list postings, I say thank you. I stand on the shoulders of giants every day I work in this field. To all those system administrators working to advance this profession, in LOPSA and other organizations, I say thank you. It is because of you that we even have this day. To all those system administrators out there, who toil every day in relative anonymity ensuring the services we rely on stay operational, I say thank you.  It is you that makes things work, keeping the users, developers, and managers happy day after day. Happy System …

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links for 2007-07-27

Oscar the Cat Predicts Patients’ Deaths Strange. Animals can see, hear, and smell things we can’t, and there are certain telltale signs when you’re dying. AmbivaBlog: I AM IN UR DEATHBED Funny title, more info on Oscar the Death Cat Blinker Fluid – $8.99 : KaleCoAuto, Hard to find automotive items! BLINKER FLUID! Hells yeah. That site is full of great stuff, muffler bearings, chin nuts, spark plug wire cleaner…

Why VMmark Sucks

Sure, sure, having a standard benchmark to measure virtual machine performance is useful. Customers will swoon over hardware vendors’ published results. Virtualization companies will complain that the benchmark is unfair. Then they’ll all get silent, start rigging the tests, scrape and cheat and skew the numbers so that their machines look the greatest, their hypervisor is the fastest. Along the way it’ll stop being about sheer performance and become performance per dollar. Then CapEx vs. OpEx. Watt per tile. Heat per VM. Who knows, except everybody will be the best at something, according to their own marketing department. Welcome to benchmarking. It doesn’t make a damn bit of difference to me, though. I’ll never run VMmark. I’ll never pony up …

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AMD & Linux Data Corruption

Mad props to Don MacAskill for getting the word out that AMD-based machines with more than 4 GB of RAM running Linux may be subject to a silent data corruption problem, mainly on machines with NVidia chipsets. Fixed in 2.6.21, but not yet in a shipping Red Hat kernel. The workaround if you find yourself in this position is to tell the kernel to ignore the hardware MMU with the kernel option “iommu=soft”, or build yourself a kernel that doesn’t have the problem. This points to a bigger problem with things like Red Hat’s Kernel Application Binary Interface compatibility guarantee: agility. kABI compatibility sounds great to developers, but it significantly increases the response time to problems like this. With Red …

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Cookie Ladies

I’ve been quite busy lately. So busy that I’ve even resorted to a to-do list. First come, first served, too. Scary. As such, the blog posts have been a little thin, but I’m hoping to get a couple good ones in yet this week. I did make it up to the upper peninsula of Michigan this last weekend for the wedding of my friends Matt and Amie. Amie’s sister lives in Nahma, MI and they had their wedding on the sandy shore there. We stayed in Escanaba (mainly because of the book store, given it was Harry Potter night), and on the way up got slightly lost as I missed a turn. To correct we headed down some random county …

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Yak Shaving, or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Waste an Afternoon

I love the term “yak shaving.” It completely describes my afternoon yesterday, when I needed to scan a document. Look for Vista drivers for my old, freebie scanner. Install them. (15 minutes) Remember that I had unplugged the scanner from everything. Crawl under the desk to plug it back in. Discover $0.73 in change dropped under my desk. (5 minutes) I don’t have any free power outlets under my desk. Find a power strip. (10 minutes) I’d taken the USB cable and used it on an external drive. Find another. (5 minutes) Let computer detect device. Wander away, get a soda with the change I just found. (Less than 15 minutes) No light in scanner. Press every button on front …

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