
The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing you will make one. — Elbert Hubbard (1856-1915), The Note Book

Have You Read Your Own Output?

There is a theatrical supply store in Madison which I do business with for colors, gobos (steel patterns in the lights), lamps, gaffer tape, etc. I love them. You can email them an order, call them, or walk in, and if they don’t have what you need they will order it. Their sales staff is helpful and friendly, and because most of the theater companies in Madison do business there you can charge things to your company, which helps eliminate the reimbursement hassle. The only problem is that their credit card machine’s header has an unfortunate abbreviation for “Associates.” When is the last time you checked your own output for things like this?

links for 2007-08-14

Turntable and Violin Duet | Groovy Grooves A DJ and violinist playing together. I love when they break into Gnarls Barkley’s “Crazy.” Adrants » QSOL Servers Won’t Go Down On You Heh, interesting marketing. Tim Ferriss » Networking Tips from the White House Green Bay Press-Gazette – Guest column: Common ground needed on infrastructure issues I grew up in Stillwater, MN. It’s odd to see the lift bridge mentioned in a Green Bay article, despite it being the worst bridge in Minnesota. This article also outlines why I will never be a member of the Sierra Club, mainly because of their tactics. gapingvoid: “cartoons drawn on the back of business cards”: why we’re all blogging less “We got busy.” Heh. …

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Despite the opening of Oklahoma and the Great Taste of the Midwest on Saturday I headed to Saint Paul to see Spamalot at the Ordway Theater. Many of you don’t know this but I collect canned meats[0], and as such Spamalot has always been something I’ve longed to see. Unfortunately my trips to New York City have only permitted me to pick up a can of Golden Honey Grail Spam, not to see the show. I thought it was pretty funny. It’s basically a stage version of “Monty Python and the Holy Grail” with some additional stuff thrown in. Some of the scenes were changed a bit from the original. The scene with the French guy was a bit different, …

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links for 2007-08-09

NPR : Summer Food: Spam con Cerveza; a Locust Fry Thanks to Jon for the link. Barbara Ehrenreich: The War on Infrastructure – Politics on The Huffington Post James Duncan Davidson – MacPro RAID I love it when PCs have vendor-supplied, standards-based RAID 0, 1, and 5 solutions. An update is available that improves the compatibility and reliability of Windows Vista An update is available that improves the performance and reliability of Windows Vista Power PostgreSQL – PerfList PostgreSQL Tuning PostgreSQL Hardware Performance Tuning Tuning PostgreSQL for performance

10 Seconds to WordPress 2.2.2

And once again, I upgraded WordPress in ten seconds with: $ svn sw http://svn.automattic.com/wordpress/tags/2.2.2 w00t. Subversion access to these projects is so nice.

Atlassian Is Dead To Me

Update: we’ve all concluded that it’s my email client, Pine, that isn’t getting the job done right. Apparently it is going for the text/html part of the message, rather than the text/plain part. This is the first time I’ve noticed Pine behaving like this, but then again maybe it’s just because I pay attention to what Atlassian sends out. Thanks to Jon and Jeff from Atlassian that looked into this. I suspect Atlassian is a company that doesn’t get it anymore has an employee who doesn’t get it, based on the “Atlassian Newsletter – August Acquisition 2007” email that was sent to me. Unfortunately, the subject is all I could read: Did everything in this newsletter need to be an …

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