
Various entities require a privacy statement. Mine is:

  • Information disclosed to this site or as part of the operations of this site becomes property of Robert D. Plankers and may be displayed publicly, in perpetuity, on this web site, as well as modified, altered, or deleted as I so choose.
  • This site may set cookies or induce third party services to set cookies. Failure to accept these cookies may negatively affect the functionality of this site for you.
  • I use third party services to analyze traffic and activity, which makes you subject to their privacy policies. I make no claims or guarantees regarding their use of submitted data.
  • I do not make any guarantees, implied or stated, about the privacy of any data you submit or that is recorded by this web site.
  • I will provide information to law enforcement if compelled and/or when it suits me, such as if you threaten me, hack my site, etc.