Google Chrome Missing The URL in the Address Bar

Chrome Origin Chip in Address Bar Omnibox

The latest Google Chrome update changed the omnibox/address bar so you cannot see the URL by default. I, for one, hate it. I’m not being curmudgeonly[0], I copy URLs all the time and it’s just another step for me to click on the “origin chip” (as it’s being called) to see the URL.

Here’s how to change it back:

  1. Go to chrome://flags/#origin-chip-in-omnibox (you’ll likely have to cut & paste this in)
  2. Pick “Disabled”
  3. Click the “Relaunch Now” button at the bottom.

Rejoice in having Chrome the way you like it.

Chrome Origin Chip Gone in Address Bar Omnibox



[0] Yeah, I know, I am. GET OFF MY LAWN.

2 thoughts on “Google Chrome Missing The URL in the Address Bar”

  1. Knew this was coming, but I don’t see it turned on in the latest stable build (“origin-chip-in-omnibox” set to “default” on 36.0.1985.143). Could be me, but are you on a different channel?

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