ThinApp Starter Edition

Have you wanted to take a look at ThinApp?

VMware has a new product: ThinApp Starter Edition. Until April 30, 2011 it’ll be a free download for new Workstation customers. It’s missing the AppSync and Permitted Groups functionality, but if you like what you see and want to upgrade to the Enterprise versions you can roll your work forward.

Successfully predicting a wave of people wondering if they can get in with their existing Workstation 7 license keys, VMware has set up a site where you can get a license key for Starter Edition:

Remember to remove the dashes/hyphens from your key. This will only work for a week or so in honor of the VMware Communities Podcast, so act fast.

A big thanks to the ThinApp and VMware Communities folks for setting this up! If you don’t listen to the VMware Communities Roundtable Podcast you might want to, this is the sort of thing that gets announced on that weekly chat.

2 thoughts on “ThinApp Starter Edition”

  1. Actually, I think you’re wrong when you say “Successfully predicting a wave of people wondering if they can get in with their existing Workstation 7 license keys, VMware has set up a site where you can get a license key for Starter Edition:”

    In the linked page you have to agree to the terms and conditions, which state “In order to be eligible for a single license VMware ThinApp Starter Edition for at no additional charge, you must purchase or upgrade to VMware Workstation 7 between 6:00pm Pacific Standard Time (UTC-08:00) November 11, 2010 and Midnight Pacific Standard Time (UTC-08:00) April 30, 2011.”

    As far as I can tell, that means existing Workstation 7 users such as us loyal VCP’s who’ve received our WS7 licenses and dutifully upgraded our 6.x to 7 long ago can’t take advantage of this. I found this post while looking for a legal way to get the starter edition, such as BUYING it, but still have found nothing.

    I see a lot of existing WS7 users are using this link, and it seems to work, but that doesn’t make it more legal than downloading a torrent if I read the terms right.

    Vmware even states outright “VMware audits this data to insure that only eligible participants receive VMware ThinApp Starter Edition at no additional charge. If VMware determines that you were not eligible to take advantage of the VMware ThinApp Starter Edition promotion, you authorize VMware to charge your credit card or Paypal account for the difference in price between the listed retail price of VMware ThinApp (published on and the price you paid on the date you placed the order.”

    Again, I can’t find any way to buy Starter alone much less a price, so if they mean they’ll charge the full edition… ouch.

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