It's Been Four Years?

Holy crap, I totally missed the birthday of this blog this year. It’s four, or rather, four + 2 days (8/8/2005 was when it was born). Some stats:

1,231 posts = 0.84 posts a day.

1,628 comments = 1.114 comments a day.

203,360 spam comments = 139.19 spam a day.

Yeah, right on track, even with a lot of the posts being from Delicious. Those posts often have remarks from me in them, after all. 🙂 I’m aiming for 0.75 posts a day. Daily would be nice but I sometimes suffer from ranter’s block. 🙂

Anyhow, thanks for reading! When I started this thing I couldn’t imagine who would read it, but I hope my snide commentary and massive ego is entertaining to at least a few of you. 🙂 Thanks again for keeping me honest, prodding me here and there, and defending my honor on occasion. Y’all rock!

4 thoughts on “It's Been Four Years?”

  1. wow, Bob, that’s great! 4 years is a long time! I’ve only been reading blogs for a year and a half or so, but I’ve really enjoyed all of your updates. You keep posting really relevant information, so I keep reading 🙂

  2. Jack, I basically just say something really dumb and let people correct me. 🙂 Just kidding.

    I am very lucky to have a bunch of readers that will speak up to correct me when it’s needed, add things I’m missing (even years after the fact), or just generally engage each other or me in conversation.

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