links for 2009-04-07

  • The 1200X SEM photo of the ash is cool. See all those edges? That's why volcanic ash is nasty and abrasive. Those edges are all very sharp, even if they are minuscule. Further down: a UW – Madison contribution. Always cool to see.
  • Microsoft is succumbing to corporate America refusing to move forward. Problem is, XP is solid, and nothing else since has been. When a guy like me is happier with a beta OS instead of a released, "stable" one, well, yeah. If I didn't have a hybrid hard disk (blech) in my laptop I'd be back at XP already, too.
  • "On April 21, 2009, we'll be unveiling how VMware is taking IT to new heights of efficiency, choice and control through service-level automation—dramatically reducing capital and operating costs and maximizing IT efficiency—with the freedom to choose any application, OS, or hardware." Funny thing is that the only thing I'm thinking I'll be out from under this NDA. Plus I can finally start testing upgrades with the real thing. w00t!
  • "The FBI has seized all equipment belonging to our customers. Many customers went to the data center to try and retrieve their equipment, but were threatened with arrest." Props to Michael Janke for the link. This is a couple days old but it reminds me of my experiences with a colo in Chicago, where they were offline for a couple days because of a break-in. Luckily my equipment was too far in back of the data center to be stolen.

3 thoughts on “links for 2009-04-07”

  1. Its been interesting watching Redoubt in photos and posts, but the only sign I’ve seen of it in Anchorage was a VERY light dust of ash from one of the eruptions, and a haze cast to the sky. I “should” be able to see something from here, but the haze kills that pretty well. I keep thinking about a road trip down to the Kenai to see what I can see, but when I have time Redoubt is quiet, and when I don’t have time…she’s active. Figures.

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