Check and Upgrade VMware Tools

Been waiting for this fix, now found in ESX350-200811401-SG:

VMotion might trigger VMware Tools to automatically upgrade. This issue occurs on virtual machines that have the setting for Check and upgrade Tools before each power-on enabled, and the affected virtual machines are moved, using VMotion, to a host with a newer version of VMware-esx-tools.

Symptoms seen without this patch:

  • Virtual machines unexpectedly restart during a VMotion migration.
  • The guest operating systems might stall (reported on forums).

Note: After patching the ESX host, you need to upgrade VMware Tools in the affected guests that reside on the host.

In my environments we use the “Check and Upgrade Tools” feature for our Windows hosts, so when they reboot to pick up their monthly critical updates they get Tools updates as well. I cannot even begin to describe how annoying this problem has been. It’s one of those little details that make my customers think that virtual environments aren’t ready for prime time yet, and I haven’t had a good response for them.

4 thoughts on “Check and Upgrade VMware Tools”

  1. I agree fully !

    Update 2 had the time-bomb issue Update 3 has this VM restart issue. I have a hard time keeping the momentum running at our site where virtualisation has been looked at as “a nice toy but not ready for primetime”. How can i build confidence with “patches” that cause more isues than the issues themselves??

    Very frustrating ideed ! Please Vmware “Get your patching act together” I don’t have multiple clusters to test all the patches on so I wait a reasonable time and then jump in, but now I’m forced to wait longer and longer and patch less often for fear of these type of foul-ups.

    Frustrated but still loyal.

  2. I’m with my frustrated friend above.

    As annoying as it is to have the VMs restart without warning, I have to wonder what they’1l break with this patch.

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