…and it begins.

I hope everybody has had a good Thanksgiving, if you’re in the U.S.A., or at least just a good weekend all around. Where I live Mother Nature didn’t waste much time getting winter under way, as captured while I was messing with my new lens. I should go find my shovel before the other 5.75″ of snow falls.

3 thoughts on “…and it begins.”

  1. Do you have a photo blog as well?

    Just starting one my self

    Roger lund

    Rogerlunditblog,blogspot.com ( Computer )
    Rogerlundphotoblog.blogspot.com ( photo )

  2. Not yet, but I think I’m going to start a new category here for photos… I still want this to be a mainly tech/IT blog, but a few illustrations here and there probably won’t hurt. 🙂

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