Doubt: A Parable

Back in April regular readers of this blog probably noted a decrease in the posting regularity here. I didn’t say much about it, but I became the president of a theater company in Madison, WI (Strollers Theatre). Theater lighting had been a hobby of mine but with some turmoil last winter I was voted in as president, and it’s been sort of a second job for me. 🙂

I’m proud to announce that the first show of our 2008-2009 season opens tomorrow at the Bartell Theatre in Madison. It’s Doubt: A Parable by John Patrick Shanley. It’s about a Catholic nun that protects a boy from the advances of a priest, and it’s about an hour and a half long. The Bartell Theatre is a great place to see a show, because they not only serve good beer and wine but, unlike other venues in the area[0], you can also take your food and drink with you to your seat.

If you live in or around Madison, WI[1] and are interested in seeing it I have some free tickets available for this weekend. Shows start at 7:30 PM on Thursday (tomorrow), 8 PM on Friday, and 4 PM & 8 PM on Saturday. It’s a great & free way to get out of the house for a couple hours.

If you’re interested I just need to know who you are, how many tickets you want, and what show you’re coming to so I can set the reservation. Leave a comment for me below.


[0] If you ever build a big, expensive theater realize that white seats are a dumb idea, especially since wine comes in red varieties.

[1] If you don’t live in the Madison area but end up here visiting sometime and want to see a show, just drop me a note.

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