Star Trek iPhone Ringtones

I decided yesterday that I need a new ring for my iPhone. The venerable CTU ringtone just wasn’t cutting it anymore, and since tons of people have iPhones now it’s hard to use a built-in ring. Given that I also refuse to use a song as a ringtone I thought Star Trek sounds might be appropriate. These seemed best.

Updated: not just for Star Trek anymore. 🙂

If you have an iPhone, enjoy.

13 thoughts on “Star Trek iPhone Ringtones”

  1. I just got an iPhone a few days ago, my wife has had one since they came out. The first thing that I wanted was to download some Star Trek ringtones, but iTunes didn’t have what I wanted. Yours uploaded to my phone with no problem and they sound good. Thanks a lot.

  2. How did you get the tricorder ring tone to be over 15 seconds? I thought 15 seconds was the limit for ring tones. Any I try to make that exceed 15 seconds don’t show up on my iPhone. Only the ones less than or equal to 15 seconds (well actually 16.4 seconds seems to be the limit).

  3. These are great! I haven’t been able to find a Teleporter sound tho, if you could pull that off I’d be forever in your debt!

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