Where To Go On A Honeymoon

I love asking you folks stuff, mainly because you’re full of good answers. You’ve helped me find bars in San Francisco, portable KVM dongles, and so on. Now I ask for another favor: help my friend Jon find a place to go on a honeymoon (please, get him out of here!) 🙂

I think I’ve narrowed it down to a few choices:

* Hamanasi, in Belize
* Tiamo, on South Andros Island in the Bahamas
* Manchebo, on Aruba

I’m still undecided. I need more information, maybe I need more options. Manchebo seems nice, but mainstream, but easiest. Hamanasi has Mayan ruins and other adventures that don’t exist elsewhere, but getting there will likely be a 19-hour multi-hop adventure. Tiamo is less of a flight adventure, has wonderful snorkeling and water, but (maybe this is a positive?) doesn’t have any modern toys.

If you ask me, no modern toys is always a bonus, at least until the time comes when you really want a hot shower and a cold beer.

“I want somewhere green, somewhere nice to the locals, somewhere not a sterile American environment. But, most of all, somewhere with drinks, a beach, and clear blue waters (presumably, for me, on the Caribbean.). Given the nature of the trip, I would prefer somewhere all inclusive so that if we don’t want to care about anything, we don’t have to.”

Any suggestions? I suspect thoughts not involving the Caribbean would be welcomed, too, as long as diving is a possibility.

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