VMware VirtualCenter 2.0.2 Installed

Today I installed VMware VirtualCenter 2.0.2 in my test environment. Went okay. The release notes indicate that you need to follow KB article 4478241 before you upgrade. Despite that, VirtualCenter wouldn’t reconnect to one of my two test ESX boxes, and HA wouldn’t come up on the other. I ended up:

  1. Disconnecting (not removing) both test ESX servers from VC.
  2. Disabling HA and DRS for the cluster.
  3. SSHing into both and restarting the management daemons (/sbin/service mgmt-vmware restart).
  4. Reconnecting the ESX servers in VC.
  5. Re-enabling HA and DRS.

Seems to work fine, now. I’m glad, because my next step was to slaughter a goat in sacrifice. That gets so messy.

The 2.0.2 release notes also indicate that a client upgrade is required, but the 2.0.1 client appears to connect to 2.0.2 anyhow. In the past I’ve seen the client force an upgrade, so that’s what I was expecting. I upgraded to the 2.0.2 client immediately after the test anyhow. Why run old and admittedly buggy software?