I Dream Of Genie

Hah! Today I got to play with a power tool I’d never used before: a Genie GS-2032 scissor lift. It sure beats the snot out of a huge ladder for hanging theater lighting instruments, and it’s pretty darn stable with my 250 pound frame on it. The best thing is that you can move it around yourself while you are in the air. Theater folks move around on ladders and scaffold all the time. The difference with this is its nice, predictable, controllable motion, rather than a person on the ground shoving you around.

I want one.

One of their Z-135/70 booms could be a lot of fun, too. There’s a lot I could do 141 feet in the air. 🙂

2 thoughts on “I Dream Of Genie”

  1. Genie products are a back/life saver.

    With the virtualization trend driving us back towards large and heavy servers again, a lift is almost mandatory in the server room.

    I don’t know how we’d manage without our GL8’s.

    The ability to put a DL585 on the roof of the building is power. 🙂

  2. Up until this moment I didn’t remember that we have a GL8 in our data center. Yeah, I like that one, too, though the ones I can ride in still win my heart. 🙂

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