Standardization is Vision

Standardization isn’t a task. It is a mindset, a very long-running process.

Standardization isn’t staying the course. It’s adjusting the course to stay standard.

Standardization isn’t a manager’s orders. It is a grass-roots effort.

Standardization isn’t one month. It’s two years.

Standardization isn’t a fad. It is a religion.

Standardization isn’t manual labor. It is repeated, evolving, simple automation.

Standardization isn’t overreacting, or mountains from molehills. It is fire and motion.

Standardization isn’t some herculean effort undertaken periodically by organizations. It’s something to be done every minute, with every task.

Standardization isn’t “how do we make this server look like the rest?” It is “can we make all the other servers look like this one?”

Standardization isn’t a procedure. It is a vision.