9 Things You’ll Love About vSphere 6.0

vSphere 6.0, finally. It’s been in beta for what seems like an eternity. Betas are like Fight Club, where the first rule of participation is that you may not talk about your participation. But today’s the day that changes, as VMware just announced 6.0. A lot of rough edges were smoothed in this release, and all the limits have increased again (64 hosts per cluster, etc.). Beyond that, though, there’s much to like. Here are nine things I think are pretty neat about 6.0. 1. Centralized Services (PSC, Content Library, Update Manager) VMware has acknowledged that there’s a fair amount of “meta-administration” (my term) that goes on for vSphere. To help curb that they’ve created the Platform Services Controller, which is …

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VMware vSphere Web Client & Internet Explorer 10

Being adventuresome and/or an idiot, I upgraded Internet Explorer to version 10. I can report two things: 1. I like it as a speedy web browser, and the vSphere Web Client performance feels vastly improved over IE 9. That’s actually been one of my complaints about the web client, that it’s pokey. 2. The remote console plugins don’t work. I have tried fidgeting with a bunch of the security controls and reinstalling the Console Helper, but it continues to report “Remote Console plugin is not properly installed.” For now, IE 10 joins the ranks of Apple Mac OS X users with no console access. I’ll post more information as I mess with it… I’m not really a Windows guy so …

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